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Twitter Rabble, Cats, Alf, Butts, Clusters, Hellthread, Chaos. For your insolence, you have each been awarded one additional strike.
Batters, UP!
Another one. Do fuck off. I'm alive because my dad took a baseball bat to my husband while the cops dragged ass showing up. They tried to arrest my dad. If my dad had his gun with him, 20 years of suffering would have been prevented.
Thank you, Daddy.
My dad mows a mean lawn, and he swings a mean bat. Happy Thanksgiving.
My biggest tweet was this: The Thanksgiving I was 37, I was dating a 45 year old guy, and my sister (who was 33) was dating the 25 year old son of the guy I was dating. Partway through Thanksgiving dinner, my dad got up, went outside, and mowed my sister's yard to calm himself down.
My dad mows a mean lawn, and he swings a mean bat. Happy Thanksgiving.
Block early. Block often. And tell those pieces of shit why. And screenshot.
If you supported me today. Thank you. If you revealed yourself today... That was a mistake.
If you supported me today. Thank you. If you revealed yourself today... That was a mistake.
I am very likely not continuing with BlueSky after today. So remember this, if he's violent to women and/or children, he's wasting our oxygen. No excuses. No second chances. No redemption. No mercy.
The family court legal system fucked us over.
Sitting outside a courtroom during a custody hearing years later, my dad said, "If I had killed him, I'd be out by now, and you and the kids would not be having to deal with him.'
Sitting outside a courtroom during a custody hearing years later, my dad said, "If I had killed him, I'd be out by now, and you and the kids would not be having to deal with him.'
My dad did not say, "Wait in the truck." He screamed, "Get those babies in the other room and hide. I'll handle him."
My dad did not say, "Wait in the truck." He screamed, "Get those babies in the other room and hide. I'll handle him."
Another one. Do fuck off. I'm alive because my dad took a baseball bat to my husband while the cops dragged ass showing up. They tried to arrest my dad. If my dad had his gun with him, 20 years of suffering would have been prevented.
I am very likely not continuing with BlueSky after today. So remember this, if he's violent to women and/or children, he's wasting our oxygen. No excuses. No second chances. No redemption. No mercy.
The family court legal system fucked us over.
Sitting outside a courtroom during a custody hearing years later, my dad said, "If I had killed him, I'd be out by now, and you and the kids would not be having to deal with him.'
Sitting outside a courtroom during a custody hearing years later, my dad said, "If I had killed him, I'd be out by now, and you and the kids would not be having to deal with him.'
My dad did not say, "Wait in the truck." He screamed, "Get those babies in the other room and hide. I'll handle him."
My dad did not say, "Wait in the truck." He screamed, "Get those babies in the other room and hide. I'll handle him."
Another one. Do fuck off. I'm alive because my dad took a baseball bat to my husband while the cops dragged ass showing up. They tried to arrest my dad. If my dad had his gun with him, 20 years of suffering would have been prevented.
Another one. Do fuck off. I'm alive because my dad took a baseball bat to my husband while the cops dragged ass showing up. They tried to arrest my dad. If my dad had his gun with him, 20 years of suffering would have been prevented.
I liked to look at my Twitter impressions count so I could see how many victims I subjected to my tweets.
dudes not be absolute disappointments challenge (impossible)
Please @ me under anyone talking out of pocket bullshit under anything I post, so I can name, shame, and block.
I unfollowed every mutual who follows these pieces of trash.
These wastes of oxygen live in the world with us.
These wastes of oxygen live in the world with us.
That's how quick "what was he possibly going to do to you from across the room little lady" turns into he kills her. When he took that 1st step, before he leapt, that's the only shot a woman in a domestic violence situation has to save her life.
She'll go to prison if she kills him before he can kill her. Not the judge. Who, it should be noted, a room full of men could not protect. Men it took at least 4 of to even remotely subdue him. When men choose to be violent, they are incredibly dangerous and deadly. In the blink of an eye.
That's how quick "what was he possibly going to do to you from across the room little lady" turns into he kills her. When he took that 1st step, before he leapt, that's the only shot a woman in a domestic violence situation has to save her life.
God is nature, nature is indifferent, we are responsible for what we do.
[the biggest hardship] Me: *calmly doing whatever it takes to get through it for as long as it takes* [the slightest hardship] Me: *completely losing my shit five minutes in*
I've field treated chainsaw wounds on coworkers and am very proud of how I held together. My kid comes up to me and needs a password on *their* iPad, I melt down into a puddle of silent fury
Those view counts were more manipulated play-doh. Absolute horse shit
No. The numbers he was showing were skewed to show people who don't understand what engagement is something to make them think their time and money were not wasted on Twitter. Twitter was not like advertising.
And lo did the Book of Sneeze cast the first truth bomb against the demon Elom, and though his followers we many and much stupid it did still pierce their thin skin and hurt them