Holly Brolightly

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Holly Brolightly


I’m really good at trivia and dropping things. practicing safe sets
lead with kindness, but take no shit
The news from France and the UK are incredibly heartening, and we love being heartened.
largest french turnout in 40 years, to keep the nazis down. fascism sucks up power left unattended
it’s come to my attention that I am, in fact, depressed morale will continue to stay low
but have you tried napping with a cat about it?
Hello, 911? I liked all of her posts and she's still not madly in love with me.
i wouldn't use someone else's hand to touch your dick
it’s weird how hrt replaced dreams of me being murdered to being the one doing all the murdering
It's funny how hrt replaced dreams where I forget to wear bottoms with topless dreams
Just remember, whenever conservatives say DEI or CRT, they’re thinking the N-Word and getting a giant boner.
babe, I wrote you a poem: fuck all the way off you insufferable prick
bro, I know how little you leave the house bc I’m always leaving to get away from you
husband: weird this house had a for sale sign and now a new family is moving in me: not really. they had a pending sign for awhile him: no they didn’t. I never saw it me: they did. I get out of the house more often than you do. must have just missed it him: that dig wasn’t necessary I hate him
husband: weird this house had a for sale sign and now a new family is moving in me: not really. they had a pending sign for awhile him: no they didn’t. I never saw it me: they did. I get out of the house more often than you do. must have just missed it him: that dig wasn’t necessary I hate him
he took the bib off then moved all his stuff 5 rows up to sit behind me. uncomfortable also, movie was meh. Mia Goth was stellar as usual, but cinematography, plot and character development was underwhelming for me nowhere near as good as X
at the movies to see Maxxxine theater is 5 individual men one couple me one of the men is wearing a full torso bib and eating bbq on his lap
a weekend with a skarsgaard brother would fix me fr fr
at the movies to see Maxxxine theater is 5 individual men one couple me one of the men is wearing a full torso bib and eating bbq on his lap
Yup. Bunch of insecure little babies who can’t handle that nobody finds their macho strutting impressive and that everyone who is actually worthy of admiration got it through all the things they were taught to detest: curiosity, introspection, community, and love
my little round belly is back and ya know, i missed her
[CEO in his penthouse office, rubbing his hands together]
it’s almost Christmas
in line at walgreens, first person needed a case unlocked, second person took forever to log into the app for a coupon, third person needed a case unlocked, what the fuck are we doing
soup guy walking out of the stock market disappointed
I had both 🤤
high and hungry do I want a bagel or Frosted Flakes send help
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Added alt-text, and that sentence gets worse with every next word.
I think it was all the daytime television I watched as a kid that really started my dream of some day getting a big injury settlement
high and hungry do I want a bagel or Frosted Flakes send help
that is NOT what 2-3 day decomp looks like
Night 5 how does anyone STILL have fireworks?!?!
evening 4 of Numbnuts Like To Explode Stuff
First came ‘Twitter’, Then ‘X’, now the thrilling conclusion ‘Being beaten with sticks’
Holly was gonna watch this movie, but then she got high. She was gonna find out how Stella got groovy, but then she got high. Now she’s out of limes, and I know why.
me: am I high? also me: has rewound horror movie THRICE in 15 minutes
The Invitation (2015) is a criminally underrated horror movie I wish more people knew about