
I dunno what's going to happen or what should happen but my feeling is that if you swap candidates in July you get annihilated in November
On the other hand, the Heritage Foundation has been kind enough to publish their plans for the fourth reich and I think people will be eager to vote against that
News about Thomas Eagleton's prior treatment for depression (which included electroshock therapy) dropped in July, he withdrew August 1, and in November McGovern won only Massachusetts - far and away the worst defeat in Democratic party history
Due respect man stop giving them ideas Counterpoint: maybe some people aren’t familiar with 1968 & that explains their naive insistence that Joe Biden is 81 therefore we need someone better to beat Trump after a contested convention & no time to check backgrounds for October surprises
What ratfuckery could possibly happen in the next *looks at calendar* 4 months!? Jesus Christ everybody, this meltdown only took a week
One thing you have to say for human fossil Joseph R Biden is that everything there is to know about him is known
That's the thing about comparing polling on other people to Biden's: he's been hit with anything the GOP can find, but no one besides maybe HRC has gone through that GOP wringer. Whoever the Dems pick is going to be at the TOP of their popularity, and they're currently only matching Biden's worst. 🤷‍♂️
Biden wasn't my first (or fifth) choice in 2020, but where we sit in 2024, he's the best option we have. The time window to replace him closed last November, before he won primaries (democracy at work!) and collected a massive warchest of funding that no one else can touch. He's the guy we have. 🤷‍♂️