
I dunno what's going to happen or what should happen but my feeling is that if you swap candidates in July you get annihilated in November
On the other hand, the Heritage Foundation has been kind enough to publish their plans for the fourth reich and I think people will be eager to vote against that
News about Thomas Eagleton's prior treatment for depression (which included electroshock therapy) dropped in July, he withdrew August 1, and in November McGovern won only Massachusetts - far and away the worst defeat in Democratic party history
Obviously the McGovern campaign was its own thing but I think it should be considered that panicking and switching the candidate at the top of the ticket is a vote of no confidence that everyone will hear
Yeap. But the party seems in open revolt. This is also of Biden's doing, as he considered only going for one term, but backed off the decision. This outcome is also why I opposed Biden's nomination, aside from my support for Warren and then Sanders when she abandoned universal healthcare.
Everyone who thought he was a good choice as Obama's VP deserves blame for this because the VP is always a presumptive future candidate and party leader, which is why you shouldn't pick someone who''s going to be in their 70s after two terms as VP.
(👋Delaware native) I think it goes back far longer than him being named as VP. He's felt like he deserved/was owed the presidency for years and years.
He is far from the only person who felt they were overlooked or screwed over (e.g. McGovern had a pretty good case where people like Carter pissed on his anti-war candidacy because they'd supported the Vietnam War). Biden didn't appoint himself VP. People who did needed to be looking forward.
I loathed him because of his advocacy of the Iraq invasion and his noxious role in reducing bankruptcy protections (he was a credit card industry shill, and even got Hunter a job with one of the companies he supported). I never liked him, although I agree with Ian that replacing him now is not ideal
Same, same. I'm old enough I remember him having to drop out of the 1988 campaign because he was appropriating Neil Kinnock's family history (among other things). I remember the plan to partition northern Iraq. Almost all the people baying for a new candidate make me think that's a really bad idea.
Rich donors and a couple backbenchers freaking out is not The Party In Revolt
Front page WashPo right now, Warner is trying to shiv him
Something like this boosts WaPo readership. Warner is an opportunist. I don’t think you have refuted the claim.
There were 2 unsourced articles (NYT and Politico) before he announced his candidacy.
WaPo, the NYT, and CNN want you to believe the party is in open revolt. It’s good for their bottom line.
A handful of rich people and leftists who mostly weren't going to vote for him to begin with are big mad, and that's enough to keep the media spinning, especially when the rich people are calling them to whine. You'd think it would give them pause that party donors are calling them, but...
The Eagleton appointment itself was the result of Dems ratfucking their own candidate at the convention so he ended up with a recommendation of a guy with no time to vet him, who in addition to the shock treatment had been the person responsible for the "abortion amnesty acid" quote to Robert Novak.
Yes I think if Joe voter thinks one side has lost it's confidence, they will not vote for them
Thing is tho, I haven't had confidence in the DNC in years and we're sort of stuck voting for whoever makes it out of the convention. No alternate path forward. Christ, what a shitshow.
To be fair, at the level of president, the person who makes it out of the convention usually also wins a lot of primaries first unless they're an incumbent and then the primaries are a formality.
We did the same with LBJ and paid for it.
Yes, that's exactly what it is. It is a vote of no confidence by people who are not going to place their confidence in someone showing every sign of rapid and irreversible personal decline. Same goes for the team around him who have been grossly dishonest in concealing Biden's true condition.
Due respect man stop giving them ideas Counterpoint: maybe some people aren’t familiar with 1968 & that explains their naive insistence that Joe Biden is 81 therefore we need someone better to beat Trump after a contested convention & no time to check backgrounds for October surprises
What ratfuckery could possibly happen in the next *looks at calendar* 4 months!? Jesus Christ everybody, this meltdown only took a week
One thing you have to say for human fossil Joseph R Biden is that everything there is to know about him is known
That's the thing about comparing polling on other people to Biden's: he's been hit with anything the GOP can find, but no one besides maybe HRC has gone through that GOP wringer. Whoever the Dems pick is going to be at the TOP of their popularity, and they're currently only matching Biden's worst. 🤷‍♂️
Biden wasn't my first (or fifth) choice in 2020, but where we sit in 2024, he's the best option we have. The time window to replace him closed last November, before he won primaries (democracy at work!) and collected a massive warchest of funding that no one else can touch. He's the guy we have. 🤷‍♂️
Eh. I share your concerns about the risks of switching candidates (especially if they go forward with the bizarre mini-primary idea) but McGovern was gonna get waxed regardless
He'd have lost, sure, but 49 states? I think that's debatable
I’ve been thinking about Eagleton *a lot* lately.
Yeah, McGovern had it all wrapped up before that, if I recall correctly.
I would have bet on him winning more than one state if that hadn't happened
Don't worry, Dear Leader has assured us that he doesn't back that actually. A thing we should all credulously accept
Yeah one factor at play in every potential electoral path we can spitball here is there are truly a lot of Anybody But Trump votes out there. Maybe more of them than any other candidate has ever had to deal with!
There are. There are also a lot of very pro-Biden folks, including those who voted in primaries, whose reaction to him getting pushed out is probably not going to be great. It’s v hard to know what D voters will do, much less swing voters who will decide the election.
Yeah I think some people are making a big assumption that a switch out can only gain voters, not lose any
It's a really weird thing to think - you can't just hand off all your support to someone, it's never worked!
Biden voter here. I'd be really difficult to convince that there was a good reason to push him out. And, I like Harris v. much. I'd still vote Democratic down ballot.
I’m in Texas so my vote for president doesn’t matter. But, gotta say, I am really really angry right now. I would still vote D if I were in a swing state but I’m an academic who is used to sucking it up and doing the icky thing because not doing it would be worse.
You can vote for Colin Allred and all of the local Dems. That's what I'm doing, because I think we'll need all of the elected Dems we can get. But, I will not vote for a forced Biden replacement.
Right, and this is the thing about the polling. George Stephanopoulos made the argument that a lot of other democrats running for office are polling ahead of Biden. Do you think that the people voting for those candidates are going to leave the president spot blank? Or vote Trump???
As long as we keep pressing that message.