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He/They | 🏳️‍🌈 🐉🔞 | Probably older than you are | D&D enthusiast | I read gay furry visual-novels on YouTube. Click the link below to go watch those videos.

YouTube: https://t.co/T6sdQa3gQM
The adventures outside the window are taking care of themselves.
The little one enjoys receiving kisses more than giving them.
First night visiting the family in MI and holy shit Im high as fuuuuuuuuuck!!!!
Found a mistake, corrected the mistake and have re-uploaded the video. Sorry for the double-post >.=.< #Adastra #AdastraVN #Amicus #EchoProject LINK: ⭐️ youtu.be/acM1E4g7QZE ⭐️
Didn't think I'd get #Adastra part 14 done before I had to travel this Monday, but somehow I did it! Time to get sloshed 🥃🍺🌿
About to make another screwdriver. Anyone want one?
When I eventually mess my hair up really bad, I’ll just have do to what this guy is doing
“Saxobeat” is the name I gave my sister’s bathroom spider before she squished it…
Still not done moving and getting things set up, but at least I have my office space, and I can work on editing Adastra Part 14 meow! Still don’t know what I’m going to do for a recording closet though… might use the laundry nook… but that’ll require running cables through the kitchen *ponders*
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Whatever happens in politics, it's not going to stop me from helping my neighbors, friends, and family. And in turn getting helped when I need it. If you're feeling hopeless I strongly urge getting more *involved* in your community, whatever that looks like (online or offline)! We have each other.
if I’m understanding the supreme court’s ruling from the other day; the US is now, functionally, a dictatorship with the president having near-0 accountability for their actions, including using the military to execute fellow political rivals they disagree with. way to go Merica, we’ve won democracy
Saw 3 of these little beauties while walking the doggo this morning ^.=.^
Our upstairs neighbor is a music lover… which is great… but I forsee this being a problem when it comes time to try and record things. FML 😤
Got the bedroom and living room (mostly) set up today. And now I’m feeling more positive about everything here. It’s amazing how just having familiar stuff, organized tastefully, can instantly make a place feel more like home
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After playing a half-orc transmutation wizard in a 4-year D&D campaign, I just had to try “It’s Complicated Being a Wizard” double-hazy IPA by Burlington Beer Co… and it does not disappoint! 🍺
Moving day had officially happened. I must now bid my “recording closet” farewell… not sure how I’m gonna get all this shit set up in the new place yet.
Osedax thought pappa was gonna stay home today when he was really just running late. He became a very pouty puppy when he figured it out.
Oh gods, this is truly miserable: nearly 80° at 93% humidity first thing in the morning. Osedax 🐶 was having none of it when I took him out for his walk, so we cut it short and turned back early 🥵
Celebrating them hairy chests
Celebrate them hairy chests
In preparation for moving, I had to give my pothos a haircut… It was fuckin’ everywhere, with some vines over 20 feet long! For context, the second picture is what it looks like *after* the trim. 🌱✂️
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The hubby and I just got back from watching “Thelma.” Excellent movie. 8/10!
Tried out this new mineral sunscreen the hubby bought (in addition to the hat)…. feels sticky… and not in a fun way
UV index is a 10 right now… ☀️😬🧴
Had a couple ladies at the bar compliment this crooked-ass braid this evening. I’ve never felt more embarrassed by a compliment before
Just got done reading this queer sci-fi novel “Darkness Outside Us” by Eliot Schrefer, and I could not put this thing down! If I didn’t have to sleep, I’d have read it in a single session. Can’t recommend it enough! ❤️🏳️‍🌈
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Happy Saturday
The saddest boy has a vet appointment today and knows it. Now he’s super-clingy and not letting me get any recording done. Poor baby.