
what on earth is a "one day consultative vote"
Another asinine 'solution' to the Biden Problem, this time from Yascha Mounk. Again, these people think their *entire job* is political strategy and predicting poll numbers. Yet they somehow think that spending months drawing attention to their own party's weaknesses is a good strategy!
the vice president: no democratic legitimacy unscheduled nationwide "consultative vote": very democratic
This is just at a very basic logical level not a thing a political party can do on short notice, which seems like the sort of thing it’s Mounk’s job to know
“It's difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends on not understanding it”
If these folks hated democracy any more, they'd be conservatives.
People who think they are very smart =/= people who are very smart
And I also think about it from the other angle: These people are willing to throw the traditional rules in the trash -- and *THIS* small-ball foolishness is the best and boldest alternative that they can imagine?!? If we're going to change the rules, then let's change the goddamn rules!