
Another asinine 'solution' to the Biden Problem, this time from Yascha Mounk. Again, these people think their *entire job* is political strategy and predicting poll numbers. Yet they somehow think that spending months drawing attention to their own party's weaknesses is a good strategy!
Wild to watch horserace journalists suggest the most politically suicidal shit and pretend it's savvy.
'if making dinner is impossible at this stage, surely the party could make 50 simultaneous advisory dinners'
"9 women can make a baby in 1 month".
and this is what's served at the dinner. but seriously how would you even decide who is on the ballot? there are so many questions but like there are easily like a dozen candidates. who gets on or off? no answer for that
Is this self published or did someone decide his rape allegations are old news?
Hard to say if it's for good or ill, but it's self published. That he commands enough of an audience to do that tho...
"the party should surely be capable of staging a one day consultative vote in all 50 states" man they couldn't even get Iowa done in like a week the last time they tried
This is probably doable if there's only 2 candidates ( or strict FPTP ( but that would potentially lead to an outcome that a majority actively disliked )).
It is not doable on this time frame. Do you know how many people there are in this country?
"evident unpopularity." I'm guessing he asked his own reflection in the mirror how he feels about VP Harris.
his arguments against Kamala are so silly. people knew she was the VP and is on the ticket. it's not like she just became VP and was never elected. so fucking silly to just be like oh just do a 50 state vote. no organization required
“Kamala can’t be the candidate because…you know.”
Can’t have….a capable black woman. Just no /s
He’s not very good at this. No, he sucks at this. There are red states who have already tried to remove the Democratic nominee from the ballot because of the timing of the convention. Republicans are working on ways to remove the Democratic nominee on state ballots if Biden is replaced.
Just incredible to assert the vice president (whom people also elect!) would lack democratic legitimacy as a successor to the president. It's literally what they are selected for!
Well, Caleb. She’s a black woman, so… /s.
It is amazing that Mounk just admits that he, the PhD in something, hasn’t bothered to read the relevant rules but then proceeds to confidently talk out of his ass
Wow, the cancellation half-life gets shorter and shorter
The most obnoxious thing about all of this wishcasting is knowing that it's setting up the authors to say "I told you so" in the event that literally anything goes wrong with the most viable paths forward. They will always get to be smarter than everyone else in their own headcanon.
That credibly accused of rape Yascha Mounk? He's back in the Atlantic?
No this is his own stupid newsletter
Like, we barely keep it together for a *normal* primary!
This is obvious bad faith, right? There's no way he actually thinks they could do this, or that anyone would accept it as a valid process since it's never been done before - it's just a bad faith argument all the way down
And of course it’s in the Atlantic.
I’m not regretting canceling it in January after subscribing for a decade. Like NYT, there is some good stuff but I can’t support a publication that pumps out so much garbage.
I was so pissed when they laid down that absolute turd of a story on trans kids a few years back - I'd bought subscriptions for my therapy office and for both of my parents. That one went straight in the recycling and I cancelled all three scrips the same day. They've only gotten worse.
Aside from everything else, isn't he a right-winger? Aren't most of the people suggesting this kind of shit obvious right-wingers who have hastily disguised themselves as Democrats?
Yeah, I don’t want to hear from people who would happily elect any Republican other than Trump
I would have honestly loved to have seen people talking seriously about the problems we face in town hall debates, provided it wasn't right NOW in this context. Just, like. In GENERAL, I'd want to know what politicians think on the issues & whether they can articulate that.
Yes this dude has never been to a town meeting of any kind.
Besides the point, but does he understand anything about election administration? Or, like, just general polling? Because trying to stand up something like this in a few months is wild.
Just unserious nonsense from people completely up their own asses.
The most obvious choice if Biden does decide not to run is to give his delegates to Harris. She's not my favorite. I'd prefer a more progressive candidate, but she makes the most sense.
"It's just a simple national election, how hard can it be to organise?" Or, tell me you've never been involved at ground level of an election campaign without telling me you've never been involved.
Why did you crop out 4, that’s the best one! “Nominate an American Keir Starmer” lol. First off, the American Starmer is Kamala Harris, secondly, Starmer et al. seized power by calling Corbyn anti-Semitic! Isn’t that wokeness?
These water carrying journalists won’t even have a job during the Trump administration. The MSM will be whittled down to a few state run networks and a handful of propagandists.
How would the Democrats even convince Republican-controlled state governments/election officials to run a re-do primary they haven’t budgeted for?
I have no respect for people insisting on staying in their ivory towers. This is “how many angels on the head of a pin” level lunacy.
The only thing that makes sense to me is for Biden to release his pledged delegates, and do it all at the convention. The delegates decide - it’s technically their job.
The networks would pull away to show an empty podium at a Trump rally.
Oh lord. 🙄 Once again the technocratic pundit class is making the mistake in believing that the public is as obsessed with process as they are. If dems wanted to do this, it doesn’t have to be hard.
He should do something less dumb like stick a penny in a power outlet.
They must be handing out the stupid pills at the Atlantic