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Orchestral and chamber music composer, music theory and history addict. 911 calltaker and ex bouncer
My little musical practice sketches can be found here
Discord: whiskeyjack2
I have simplified the Turing Test. If it orders late night Mcdonalds it is clearly sentient, and capable of stupid choices.
There are two Final Fantasy NPC's in you, Biggs and Wedge....
Not sure why everyone makes such a big deal about Gettysburg, even I have an address.
With all of the remakes lately, when will they finally get around to Count Duckula?
The best part about flipping records, is it is a regularly scheduled pee and beer run break
If you tied two vibrators together, calibrated to vibrate in precisely opposite cycles would they just sit there? Why does science never answer the important questions?
Reposted byAvatar WhiskeyJack
I love selfies where the person has a surprised look like "oh, I didn't see me there. Am I taking my picture? I wasn't ready."
Reposted byAvatar WhiskeyJack
The truce between Sasquatch and campgrounds can't last, be vigilant. Watch the trees.
I love selfies where the person has a surprised look like "oh, I didn't see me there. Am I taking my picture? I wasn't ready."
The truce between Sasquatch and campgrounds can't last, be vigilant. Watch the trees.
Can someone explain the sport Shot Put to me? Like I get wanting to run fast, hurl a spear with deadly accuracy. Heck, I get needing to jump a high wall, but if I had a giant bullet I like to hope I would think to put it in a gun instead of throwing it at the oncoming horde of enemies.
Pets. They just tap into something humans can't. I miss my little cat pal.
I feel I finally came up with a sequel to the Exorcist everyone would watch. The ghost of Bruce Lee possesses a girl, the priest must learn Kung Fu in order to exorcise him in single combat, and attain the formula for cold fusion. Someone in the movie needs to have a great butt, doesn't matter who.
If the infinite universe theory is true, there is a universe in which Toy Story is about the toys in "Mom's special drawer that locks" and it still features Buzz Lightyear.
Confession: When I am alone, in front of a mirror, and no one is around. I test out my looks for being on a Fast and the Furious poster.
People should stop body shaming Slender Man.
I wish Hollywood would give the fans what they want: a spin off series about the Shield agent playing Galaga in the Avengers.
Bathroom decorating idea (found on some random facebook meme thing
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The virgin cover variant is also up for grabs. WHAT IS THE THING IN THE CRYPT????? Kickstarter : tinyurl.com/58vr4uf3
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this meeting could have been a nothing
When is DC finally going to reveal what Wonder Woman is wondering about?
I am watching Man-Thing (Marvels version of Swamp Thing though technically created earlier) on Tubi, and it is WAY better than it has any right to be
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Reposted byAvatar WhiskeyJack
“Bad-jacketing” is when you wear a jacket that is either too light or too heavy for the weather. Very dangerous stuff, be careful out there.
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Maybe if Casper wasn’t so friendly he’d still be alive?
I think people are neat, except for people who put their bag on the seat next to them on a crowded bus. Those people are like websites that make you sign up to read the article.
I love that my new schedule means I have normal person weekends, but it is a totally different group of people around lol
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Based on this image I assume the orchestra will be discovered in a cave a year later by two crime solving brothers
When you're definitely not doing anything weird in the cove
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I fixed the Spice Girls lyrics "If you wanna be my lover, select every image with a bicycle"
I fixed the Spice Girls lyrics "If you wanna be my lover, select every image with a bicycle"