
my cemetery has tons of historical correspondence by employees going back almost 200 years and i like to read it and make myself insane thinking about how much more shit i am expected to do in a day than these people and how i am not even actually making that much more money than them
I am an engineer and have this same thought about the speed of work when drawings were done by hand and not on the computer and that was way less than 200 years ago.
yeah it kinda sucks, i've been in civil engineering for over 20 years and timelines have gotten progressively more annoying due to cad/c3d. turnaround is very annoying, i still remember a client demanding a road widening that would take time to do w/ utility changes saying 'its just lines on paper'
For us in TV, this is a nightmare for post. Due to HDR and extremely high resolution, networks want us to have 4K HDR rough cuts which is so much work and server space compared to even just a few years ago. It’s also a nightmare on production to shoot with such a quick turnaround
and on the flip side now that everything is streaming and home video releases are going away, the end product that viewers can actually watch looks worse than a bluray from 2008 because the bitrate got crushed to hell.
See, this is complicated. Because in theory, Netflix and Prime use Microsoft silverlight which can do true 4K at high bit rates which is why we have to deliver for them in native 4K HDR. But they’re doing some bs with the bandwidth to make it look like shit. You should see what we deliver
It’s so frustrating because our footage looks so good once it goes through online. I’m headed to a literal paradise next week to shoot a new show and I’m going to lose it when I watch it in the bay, knowing it won’t look this good ever again 😭