
Here’s the thing: you still have a much larger, better audience on Twitter than here. I know this because I’ve spent a lot of time trying to raise money from liberals and I raise maybe 100% more from Twitter than Bluesky.
Maybe don't post there
I'll accept that since you're actually running for office it's not worth retreating from the space entirely, but you could just post some bland fundraising stuff every once in a while instead of actually using the platform the way you normally would
Like I maintain that staying there in any sense that involves drawing in more users and engagement is not only a losing game for you, it's actively harmful to this country
You’re just wrong. Too many people are there. Self-exile makes it worse
You do you man. Ultimately I think it's silly to spend a bunch of time posting on the platform owned by a Nazi and overrun by Nazis and then complaining that you run into too many Nazis.
Or maybe that wasn't the point of the post. I promise you everyone on Bluesky takes the Nazi threat seriously. That's why we're here.
Exactly. I gave up 90% of my reach by leaving twitter, and it hurt on several levels. But I was also raised in Germany and I know that there’s a difference between being popular and socially successful in a bar and being popular and successful in a Nazi bar.
It's a collective action problem. You leave, but people who are there to get NBA wire service news and to chat about basketball don't. And while you're gone, they get their brains pumped full of fash-adjacent macho meme work.
It's no more exile to leave Twitter than to decide not to join Truth Social.