
Yeah you’re right! It IS bad! It was also nearly as true a year and a half ago. The other side is running a candidate who is a rapist, a convicted felon, and who tried to overthrow the government, which seems even worse! But for some reason we accept that will just get papered over.
I'm not an expert but I'm pretty sure running a candidate that the majority of people now see as senile is also extremely bad.
For the 100th time, Biden and Trump, definitionally, are relying on the same pool of swing voters
The "some reason" you refer to is because we have years and years of GOP voters not giving a shit about trump's flaws. Dems can't control that. But they *can* control running a candidate that seems *obviously* better than trump, a bar that Biden is currently failing to clear.
Right. And I expect many low-info swing voters right now are seeing two awful candidates with varying degrees of senility and planning to stay the hell home.
Considering basically all of Trump’s polling advantage comes from unreliable voters, that’s good, actually
"Let's hope everyone stays home in disgust!" seems like a sub-optimal strategy.
I mean I don’t think that’s going to happen, and I don’t think Trump’s polling average is legit. But if the entire freak out, as it stands, is about a 1 point polling change and that polling advantage is almost exclusively based on unreliable voters, then staying home is not a detriment
I agree Trump's support is weak. He's not popular. I even agreed with the Democrat theory that an early debate would remind voters of what distasteful piece of shit Trump is. Unfortunately, Biden's performance was so bad that, instead, the focus turned to Biden - and not Trump (where it should be).
The "some reason" you refer to is because we have years and years of GOP voters not giving a shit about trump's flaws. Dems can't control that. But they *can* control running a candidate that seems *obviously* better than trump, a bar that Biden is currently failing to clear.
No one's meaningfully (outside margin of error) doing better than Biden in a head-to-head against Trump.
You can't just stop talking about it though, that's how they win
talk about trump's flaws, absolutely, but ALSO show the country that you are realistic about your own candidate. At this point, pretending that Biden is perfectly fine is only slightly less deranged than lying about crowd sizes.
What “own candidate” ? they don’t want Biden! They’ve been laundering the threat of trump for months now and it’s very odd.
I'm not sure who "they" is in your sentence. I am saying that the Dems need to be realistic that Biden is a very weak candidate right now, and as difficult as it may be, I personally believe they would have a better shot if Biden stepped down and allowed Harris to take his place.
Legacy media who refuses to put trumps criminality and authoritarian ambitions front and center for some reason. Even during weeks where it could dominate headlines.
The goal is the better candidate and also trying to play political consultant like well paid pundits with writers block and too much time in their hands accomplishes less than nothing Stop bidding against yourself Dems guessing what your neighbor thinks like has been happening with economic polls
I don’t know what people were expecting 18 months ago from an octogenarian on the campaign trail. My partner was freaking out, I said “Remember I said he was going to lose 18 months ago because he is too old and it will become obvious.” Reply: “But now he’s really going to lose!”
I guess a lot of you were betting against a moment like the debate, when it should have been fairly obvious that the senile moment was always going to arrive. It was a matter of when, not if. He’s 81! He’s had Covid twice, and all the long-term, life-shortening, IQ-dropping that entails.
You can't change the past Will. At best we can learn from it, and make the best choices to prepare for the future.
FWIW the last 12-18 months were a lot of lies from the Biden Admin. I am really fascinated/horrified that partisans think relativism about age & lying is going to land well. Yes, Trump is senile and dishonest and generally worse, obviously. But the sitting president struggling with age is bad news!
Was there ever a way to challenge the opposition on their choices? I seem to have subconsciously accepted the establishment on the Right to be fundamentally unreasonable in such a way as to cause any would-be collaborators to stumble and flail and “look weak.”
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