Matt 'Wib' Ward

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Matt 'Wib' Ward

Maker of videos, caster of pods, painter of tiny goblins. He/Him.
Very useful! Now if only I knew how to draw bears...
I've mentioned this before, but I do love how the message I take away from G1 Hot Rod's character arc is 'if you're given responsibility you can just run away from it at every opportunity and eventually someone else will do it for you'. And that's beautiful.
#booksreadin2024 ✨ #10 Starflight 3000 by R.W. Mackelworth Another old sci-fi I picked up mostly based on the cover. Can’t seem to really decide what it’s about, would be better if it did a lot more or a lot less, y’know?
One of the things I think is interesting about Disney-era Star Wars is that a couple of times a season of whatever show it is, there's something in there that make me go, 'huh, never thought I'd see that in live-action'.
This is neither a good thing or a bad thing, really. It's just a thing. But I will say there was a couple of those moments in the Acolyte season 1 finale.
I do not care for that. Nope. Not one bit.
“Why’d you gotta say that shit, Rage Kage?” “Sic semper tyrannis, Jables”. *Jack Black sadly scats over acoustic guitar solo*
I can honestly say that reading some of The Boys comics has improved the show for me. I was watching the most recent episode and thinking 'at least this does have a bit where a guy goes to the Paralympic games to jerk off'.
I can see why people read the whole thing despite hating it. It's has the Dune effect where you can torment people by simply explaining things that happen after most people have stopped reading.
"Hey you know that thing from season 2 of the show with the plane "rescue" that sets up a bunch of stuff? Well in the comic that's 9/11 but with slapstick and slurs".
That is... upsettingly unsurprising.
I would probably become a villain too if I had to live with the horror that is 'being Michael Gove'.
On some level I wonder if Wes Streeting is determined to make trans kids miserable because he had to grow up knowing he'd become Wes Streeting, and the idea that other people could have a choice in these matters fills him with a deep jealousy.
Had a good run but after 4 years I have finally got Covid. Snipe too. Which kinda explains why we’ve been feeling so shite.
Probably the wise thing, in all honesty.
Gonna be an awful lot of deleted posts from tonight, I can tell you that for free.
And thus, things are about to become even more normal.
We were gonna begin streaming again tonight but since we’re both sick that won’t be happening. Please go and sub/donate etc. over on our Twitch so that we can all pretend we didn’t have to call it off and we actually did a really cool and fun stream rather than lying in a dark room mumbling angrily.
Snipe’s is now sick as well so I am braving the outdoors to get medicine for us. Not a fan.
I'm sorry for sharing this cursed knowledge.
*nervously looks at the second post in this thread*
As an adult Transformers fan it's sometimes a little awkward to explain how there's plenty of media made for it that isn't explicitly just aimed at kids. Especially because I might slip up and talk about the unreasonably horny bits of the Legends Manga.
And when it's not being horny it's just being kinda sexist. I suppose I could explain Kiss Players to them, but 'There's a Transformers for everyone, even nonces', is not exactly selling people on the franchise.
I was inspired to draw this Ghazghkull Thgraka and Makari fanart after reading the excellent Prophet of the Waaagh by Nate Crowley. #art #illustration #fanart #warhammer #bskyart #orc
I'll be honest, this guy wasn't even being that subtle lol
Honestly that's usually a pretty good call. It is not a genre that is worth sifting through.
I know this is all obvious to the people following me, you've heard me and many others talk about this before. Just fuck me was this video basically "what if Leni Riefenstahl was really into anime and smash cuts?"