
My future prospects are fine but I’m pretty worried about America
Its extremely good actually Will, largely because its forcing you to pretend to everyone Biden is fit to lead the nation, which in turn ruins your own credibility and weakens your future political prospects.
But glad to see the online left has the right priorities as always (humiliating anyone for whom they have an affective dislike)
Will, I cannot force you to pretend that Biden is fit and well. Only you can do that. If you choose to humiliate yourself by sticking with this dying old man out of sheer stubbornness and petulance, condemning the USA to Trump, that's 100% your decision and there's nothing I can do to stop you.
But what I can do, whilst you're debasing yourself in this manner, is kick you while you're down and wallow in your despair. I've had it in return off you lot when the chips were down for the left, and thus the spiral of mutual hatred keeps spinning out.
You’re really a sad little guy.
Will is yes, he's awfully sad he timself to the mast of the HMS Biden and now the boat is sinking, its very funny seeing the man who was so full of hubris only a few weeks ago become so feeble in such a short space of time
You sure like to hear yourself talk. You saw so little in so many words. No one is impressed.