
Sorry, folks, this year "no vote" is a vote for fascism, don't be that person, voting is a necessary if not entirely sufficient act
Here it is, the dumbest thing you will read today
I wish I could vote for Joe Biden. His executive leadership actions, or lack there of, prevent that. It is not a reality I am comfortable with.
As of now, the only way Trump doesn't get four more years as President is if Joe Biden beats him. If you don't vote for Joe Biden, you are saying "I am perfectly fine with Donald Trump and his crew running the country for the next four years." Own up to it.
Awww, did you personally mistake I am in business with Donald Trump? I'm not.
I’m sorry, was I unclear? As of right now, the only way Trump doesn't get four more years as President is if Joe Biden beats him. If you don't vote for Joe Biden, you are saying "I am perfectly fine with Donald Trump and his crew running the country for the next four years." Own. Up. To. It.
Was I unclear? Due to Joe Biden's executive decisionmaking and leadership, or more accurately, lack there of, Joe Biden made voting for his administration an impossibility. Did you assume Donald Trump somehow figures into my constituent relationship with Democrats?
Say it proudly! Say it out loud! Shout it from the roof of your home! “I’m fine with Donald Trump becoming President again and will not do anything useful to prevent it from happening. Not even voting for the candidate in the best position to beat him, the very least I can do.” OWN. UP. TO. IT.
Is that what you think I'm saying? Or is that what you want to hear? I'm confused.
You’re obviously confused, and that IS what you’re saying. You’re the political equivalent of an anti-vaxxer, hoping enough other people act responsibly so you can have the luxury of indulging your beliefs and remain pure, yet still be safe from your choice not to act.
Glenn, you sure are making a lot of assumptions. Did you assume you know me? Did you assume you could speak for me? Did you presume to have a "better" understanding than I? Asking for a Democratic voter in a blue wall swing state.
You spoke for yourself, saying you can’t vote for Joe Biden. That also means that you’re just fine with Trump. Apparently you do have trouble understanding that, or you don’t like being called on it. Harris’s husband’s law firm tried to take my home and I STILL voted for her ticket. Why can’t you?
No. It does not. It means I am unable to vote for Joe Biden due to his Administration's conduct. Why are you deliberately misunderstanding that?
tRump thanks you for your fascist-fellating vote. And no, I'm not misunderstanding you.
people who ally with fascists are themselves fascists. Biden is allied to the fascist ethnosupremacist state of Israel. a vote for Biden is a vote for a fascist sympathizer at the LEAST
Fuck off with that bullshit. Biden is actively trying to slow Bibi down at the LEAST. tRump wants Bibi to "end it fast", and if you think that means a withdrawal, you truly are a complete moron. You're allying yourself with the fascist that will USE the power SCOTUS just gave Presidents.
you know what would REALLY slow Bibi down? if he didn't have any more artillery and bombs. you know what would REALLY make Bibi want to listen? if the Iron Dome didn't have any rockets. Biden isn't doing SHIT
We get it, you're anti-semitic slime. It's one thing to not supply offensive weapons (that I agree with), but not supplying the Iron Dome? Fuck off, Nazi.
excuse me? what the fuck is antisemitic about what I said?
Anti semitism is when you don't let Israel commit genocide.
Antisemitism is falsely accusing a group of Jews of perpetrating genocide. It's called "blood libel."
It's not falsely accusing Israel if they're literally committing genocide.
"Israel" includes nearly two million Palestinians. Are Israeli Palestinians committing genocide?
Do you find this distraction approach actually works. You're doing the whole, so you hate pancakes bit.
No hun. I'm pointing out that the ONLY way you could even begin to reasonably argue that this war MIGHT be a "genocide" is if you exclude the ethnic Palestinian component of Israelis. Otherwise it's just a war.
So your suggestion that because Palestinians who are citizens of Israel aren't also being murdered, then it can't be genocide. You understand that means what happened to 6 million Jewish ppl during ww2 can't be genocide, which is obviously untrue.
No dear. I am saying that the target is clearly not Palestinians. Nazis specifically targeted Jews, anywhere they could, including, and especially, within Germany. Jews were not safe anywhere near Nazis. Israeli citizens are safe around Israelis, Jew, Palestinian, or other.
Moreover, once you say "yes it's Palestinians who are the target" you are arguing that the group targeting them is Israelis - Palestinian Israelis = Israeli Jews, which is a fucking lie.
This rhetoric that has poisoned you is a near direct rehashing of Nazi blood libel against the Jews during the Holocaust.
Look, you keep defending genocide. History will show that what's happening is genocide. You keep arguing semantics as much as you want, you're still supporting genocide
No I keep pointing out that your lie of genocide has been used against Jews repeatedly.
Why are you equating Israel with all Jewish ppl, they don't represent all Jewish ppl.
I'm not. It's just half the Jewish people in the world and you're claiming they're killing non Jews.
Sorry, when someone says Israel is committing genocide, you think they're suggesting every Israeli is picking up a weapon or sending bombs into tent encampments. If Israel isn't killing Palestinians, then how are they being killed.