
A habit of authoritarians learned from Edward Bernays: Operate from the shadows. "...the Shirion Collective, a conspiracy-driven, pro-Israel disinformation network that has been active in shaping public opinion in the US, Australia and the UK about Israel’s military onslaught in Gaza."
When folks ask you for receipts say less "Its activities have included harassing pro-Palestinian activists, including many Jews critical of Israel, offering bounties for the identities of pro-Palestinian protesters, and spreading conspiracy narratives centred on figures like George Soros."
Exposed: Tech entrepreneur behind pro-Israel hate network targeting A hate campaign led by supporters of Israel has been uncovered, revealing a web of anti-Palestinian and anti-Muslim propaganda spread across social media. A Guardian investigation has exposed a group....
When people ask me what i do for or wirh Palestinians I'm always vague on purpose. I don't even ask the Palestinians I organise with questions on digital at all. People not masking at marches are so weird to me. Why are you not covering your face. Folks should protect themselves to be effective
Everyone who keeps saying Zionism done by these folk isn't Nazism has their heads up their ass and huffing farts. This tech corporation is based in Florida and has support and funding from the government of Florida. Ron DeSantis is a politician whose party flies swastikas and praised Hitler.
The funniest and dumbest thing is that in spite of that Alliance and Hitler working with Zionists to drive Jews out of Europe through violence and massacres, in the end Hitler betrayed the Zionists who viewed him as an ally and Hitler sought to slaughter the Zionists. The leopards ate their faces.
This perhaps what the alliance between marginalized people and Nazis so incredibly stupid, as Jewish Zionists could and should have expected and prepared for being betrayed, but they never did, and when the Nazis began killing their Jewish Zionists allies they were all shocked and surprised.
It reminds me of how in the USA we have homosexual, black, and transgender conservative republican white Christian supremacists, in spite of the fact that they always get betrayed by their fellow 'Nazis'. They join the leopards eating faces party and get shocked and stunned their faces get eaten.