
Hi, I’m an editor. My greatest hits include “‘Amongst’ is just ‘among’ holding up its pinky when it sips tea” and “Instead of ‘iconic,’ let’s just say ‘famous.’” I once talked a critic into using “deglamorizes”instead of “deglams.” Today, he has two Pulitzers and I don’t.
Hi, I'm an academic librarian! My greatest hits include "Yes, I'm familiar with the Dewey Decimal System," "Academic libraries don't typically use the Dewey Decimal System," "The Dewey Decimal System is kind of genius actually," and "Melville Dewey was pretty much a slimeball."
How do you feel abut "utilize?"
I left it off my list of greatest hits only because I ran out of characters. Why write “utilize” when “use” will do? And don’t get me started on people writing “imperative” when they just mean “important.”
Utilize is my big pet peeve. I have a hunch people think it makes them sound smart, but I’m all, “‘use’ is right there, dummy.”