
I can't wait to see how the Bluesky community reacts to the Neil Gaiman allegations after everything you kids have all had to learn recently about the cost of disbelieving an accuser simply because you like the accused.
Gaiman's response to it was so bad, it should turn people on the fence off him.
His response/explanations are very, very bad. False memories? Wtf?
as an author he should have been able to come up with a better story, damn neil
Well, as long as part of the story includes admitting to relationships with women in their early 20s when he was…60? Late 50s?, but disputing the lack of consent, we have enough to read between the lines. Ick.
For the 2003 incident with the 18yo he would have been in his 40s. The 2022 incident with the 23yo, his 60s. But from reading some of the threads of people who were actually listening to the podcast and paid for access there's some...questions about the reporting.
Mostly that the repoting by the Podcaster does NOT match up with the accusers were actually saying/texting regarding consent.
But like regardless. Dude is a 60/40 year old hooking up with 23/18yo.. NO dude. At best that's creepy. Though Neil being a somewhat creepy horndog is apparently old news in writing circles.
But the issue isn't really, at this point, "do you believe the accusers" it's "do you believe what you're being TOLD the accusers actually said."
You’re ahead of me in terms of knowledge on this. I’d like to know more about the complaint to the police as that would be what an accuser actually said.
The issue that basically all the actual content is/was paywalled and is also contained in 4 hour podcast episodes. But people who have paid for the access have suggested the police report may be a fabrication (not by the accuser but by the Podcasters).
It's also somewhat suspicious that this all broke from a group of TERFs adjacent to Rupert Murdoch right after Neil commented in support of trans rights and David Tennant. There's just a lot of...questions.
But at a minimum. Creepy older guy hitting on/hooking up with way younger women.
And in one instance, at a minimum it’s creepy older guy hitting on way younger woman who is in his house and works for him. That’s not good, even if that’s it. How you can get real consent in that situation feels pretty hard. Ugh.