
saw someone walking a large pig down my street today. dogs were going crazy so i didn't have the presence of mind to go talk to them and find out if they live near me/whether i can look forward to seeing the pig more often. fingers crossed!
Once years back while taking my dog for his morning walk we came across a pot bellied pig that had gotten out and was wandering loose. My dog was both VERY excited and VERY confused, in roughly equal measure.
It helps to have a dog that is easily confused. I have some pictures of my old hound acting much like this when he saw an oddly-shaped rock (he took it for his hereditary nemesis, the turtle). Every walk was a potential adventure, with that dog.
My first dog, from 23 years ago, was impossible to walk down certain streets in our neighborhood. She would chase one neighbor's decorative concrete ducks, and was terrified of another who had a mailbox holder shaped like an angry pig dressed in mail carrier costume. She was smart but gullible.
My dog would also try to run off wind turbines on the hill across the valley because he thought they were skinny (nearby) guys waving their arms at him.