William Stiteler

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William Stiteler


Author. Mapper. Occasional pastry maker.
Of course, I once had an agent tell me that my half-alien protagonist shouldn't be female because I'm a man, so there's that.
I just saw an interview with a male fantasy author where he said "I guess I haven't really written female protagonists because it's not really something I feel like I can write from a place of knowledge." Reader, this man wrote a series with a whole ass ancient dragon as their protagonist. 🙄
Looking forward to that 4th bowl of Raisin Nut Bran, when the raisin nuts start showing up and I'm not just eating bran flakes like a sucker.
Finally, a correct take on the internet.
Fake grape is amazing. Fake strawberry is ass. Simple as.
So, random guy in neighborhood - I, too, always rev my chainsaw a couple times after I get it started because to do otherwise is to mock the chainsaw gods. But I do, eventually, stop and get around to actually cutting stuff.
Also because of IT departments that arrange settings so that a computer will lock and require a new login if one pauses long enough to stare thoughtfully into the middle distance to come up with the right word. Or maybe that's just me.
Devices to fool automated systems into thinking you're active and present don't exist because people are lazy, they exist because bosses count productivity by minutes not tasks and will punish idle hands for not taking longer.
Particularly disconcerting for those of us who do know Big Frank.
Driving through rural NC and I keep seeing “DO YOU KNOW BIG FRANK?” on fences and barns and this is some real redneck John Galt shit
I've seen both Krull and Cincinnati chili defended today on Bluesky. A glorious day.
Star Wars sucks and has always been boring in all its iterations, but it provides the very important service of sucking up all the obsessive nerd energy that might revive and ruin other perfectly good stuff like Krull or Dinosaucers
A brave but necessary take.
Made with decent ingredients, Cincinnati chili is delicious. Most of the performative hate for it is ginned up by Texans who think the entire concept of “chili” is their personal property, which is very cute of them, he said in Arizonan, New Mexican, Coloradan, and so forth.
The odds and end of candy left behind in the common tray really make this shot.
My sister may have created the next great personality analysis tool: “Would Or Would You Not Eat the O’Reilly’s Auto Parts Candy?”
I wonder how the guy on "Homestead Rescue " does it. Maybe he sends a video clip of the opening of the show where he says "Here's my resume" and shows off his beat up hands.
"Here's my CV" (Sends jpg of books)
Gotta be the vicar.
A tough start to the day with coffee, cheese scone, and some serious cosy crime research 🤔🕵️ I hope they catch the sign-stealing culprit soon! 🇳🇿📚💙🔎💀📚👀
This is 100% true.
The greatest gift you can give yourself is putting Roxette's "The Look" on whatever big playlist you have going
I always love that old-school, analog GIS.
How to illustrate natural disasters on an #earlymodern #broadside? After the enormous #landslide of 1618 in #Piuro (then a city within the Three Leagues, Raetia) that wiped out the city and killed thousands, a #Zurich based printer came up with this idea: 1/2
I knew that pure cranberry juice would be intense, but, like, come on, man.
Just realized that the pain medication I was sent home from the hospital with is just acetaminophen with a lower dose than if I'd just taken the stuff already in my medicine cabinet. Seems light for "multiple kidney punctures".
You know, this reminds me of an incident during my bicycle racing days, when someone on another team took "blocking" as used in bike racing too literally, and caused a huge crash. So are you really literally blocking people? Anyway, I should probably not be awake right now.
Literally blocking anyone I see being weird about figurative use of literally, while literally being mad that this is the literal definition of the use they think is appropriate.
So I did a search for something with "500 km" in the term, and the first two pages of results are all pages telling me how to convert kilometers to miles. This seems excessive. Even if I wanted to do a conversion, I don't need to get a lot of different opinions on it.
I actually just had a real-life enounter with someone who predicted a storm was imminent based on his foot acting up. Unfortunately, he did not say that the storm was "a-comin'", but one can't have everything.
I just posted something about Pinkwater's artwork, and reading back over the other comments about his writing, NPR commentary, and radio show call-in work, I'm suddenly wondering what other things he might have done over his checkered career that I'm not aware of (other than dog training, of course)
yes, and on Morning Edition on behalf of fat people. I loved that stuff and then my daughter at 12 or 13 discovered he was a serious dadaist novelist. For kids. A literary hero.
This trend of "tacticool" home improvement gear is very annoying because it makes it hard to buy a simple pair of work gloves that don't have thick layers of rubber on the knuckles, as if you'll be, I don't know, punching giant mutant lobsters with them, with thin, flimsy fingers and palms.
I don’t know what it means but when I see things like special operations hammers and tape measures, it makes me think bin Laden succeeded in irreversibly damaging the American psyche in ways few of us could have even fathomed.
Hey Bluesky, does anyone know the proper name of those little elastic mesh thingies you put on the ends of tubular tree shelters to stop birds from falling in them, and where to find them? Mine have worn out faster than the shelters themselves.
First bike ride of the year on the road rather than set up on a trainer. I not only got to briefly race a duck, but narrowly avoided being swept up by not one, but two packs of Amish kids riding their bikes away from Sunday service.
I like how the expression is not so much "I am disappointed in the person who should be feeding me" as it is "We both know something has gone terribly wrong but we'll get through it together".
where is my DINNER (6 minutes late)
It's bad enough that Paramount+ thinks I'd want to watch multiple Jeff Dunham specials, but as near as I can tell, it's basing that on the fact that I watched Adventureland and some Star Trek stuff.
One of the big flaws of the movie Dark City that I rarely see discussed is a lack of any characters saying "Restart". I really enjoy saying "Sleep...now" in a Mr. Hand voice or "Shut it down!" like Mr. Book when I perform those operations on my computer, but restarting is no fun at all.
Well, it looks like it might be super cloudy here during the totality, but at least I won't be distracted from ordering those special Sun Chips during the window they are available.
Being this cat's second-favorite human isn't bad, but now I need to address the yawning gulf between spots one and two.
Not only do I have Abba's "Waterloo" stuck in my head, but my brain insists on a rendition in which the only word in the lyrics is "Waterloo". Waterloo! Waterloo, Waterloo, Waterloo! Waterloo! Waterloo, Waterloo, Waterloo. (Ba-dum ba-dum ba-dum)
I've had some beavers show up in my pond and I'd like to do some research on the possible effects they might have and ways I should deal with it, but frankly I don't know if the Internet is cable of answering questions about this in a mature fashion.
I see your "Skip for now" button, but where is the "Never speak of this again", or "Nuke this option from orbit" button?