Father Draven πŸš›:$152/400 πŸ³β€βš§β™ΏπŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦

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Father Draven πŸš›:$152/400 πŸ³β€βš§β™ΏπŸ‘©β€πŸ‘§β€πŸ‘¦


Not from The Church you're thinking of.

Caretaker of Trans Teens Fleeing NCβ™Ώ #MadPride #LongCovid #BPD
▢️ https://youtube.com/@FatherDraven
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πŸ‘‘ https://veronia.studio/throne
πŸ’Έ https://veronia.studio/cashapp
Why is YouTube Breaking News only pushing this one video and why does Cenk Uygur look like he's being forced to star in it at gunpoint?
Even though my brain didn't have the cycles for peopling yesterday I did accomplish some stuff. Tidied up and re-organized all of my felt, fabrics, and furs while in the fog.
And of course there was the government intentionally making the industrial alcohol increasingly poisonous to sneak it past the mafia chemists. www.snopes.com/fact-check/g...
Retreated into minecraft because attempting to do anything of consequence right now is just aggravating the heck out of me. I've barely touched the quests in this SSP, mostly going out on resource runs and building decorative stuff. Some of these counters will probably get replaced with stations.
Ran my brain way too hot yesterday and now the sudden drop in temperature has precipitated a fog.
-starts doing a thing- -tells everyone they're doing the thing- -immediately goes and starts doing a different thing ( still productive )-
working on something I've had in the book for a few days, organizing and wiping off everything in the utility cart. It'll make me much more likely to do a crafting stream if I don't have to worry about the dust on my tools giving my fingers' skin a flare.
I am beginning to organize the scrambles in my brain. Also, it turns out the pen I chose out of my drawer to replace the one whose grip broke yesterday has purple ink.
I have absolutely blown my head off into a bit of a mania with some carelessness handling my medicine
Imma walkin'
Well, the morning has arrived; and it looks like unless we have a big jump I'm going to have to pull from the van fund to get my medicine when the shops open in an hour. Anything you can contribute will cut down on the damage. πŸ™ πŸ’œβš’οΈπŸ’œπŸ³β€βš§β™ΏπŸ³β€βš§πŸ’•πŸ’ΈπŸ’žπŸ’œβš’οΈπŸ’œ
Apple I don't know why you keep asking me this every time I touch my phone screen slightly weird, I have not been doing any typing that needs undoing. There aren't even any text entry boxes on the screen currently. Please stop.
I have finally finished migrating all of my state over from Vivaldi into Firefox.
The vicious interregnum cleaved the schism crost the time The reasons were all melted from the wax of grand designs The pour of substance falters with a sputter and a hiss Utopia is hungry it's devouring our bliss
Okay so we can't blame this on my iPhone it turns out, because Blue Sky just turned all four of these images (Minecraft screenshots) into blank black squares on Firefox desktop.
I don't care how technically accurate this is, I'm unfollowing everybody that post or reposts trite condescending self-congratulatory nonsense where I have to perceive it. Who is out there like... "Well I wasn't going to vote until some rando on the Internet was incredibly smug about it.." πŸ€”πŸ’­
wow yeah that's so complicated! you definitely didn't completely convey the entire concept in a single sentence Rachel Swan. really gonna have to put my thinking cap on to wrap my head around this one..
Well I didn't get any donations today, but I did log off for a while and it was good for me. Lay for a while reading Ursula K Leguin and eventually gathered the spoons to cook myself a little one pot meal with a leftover pork chop. Getting ready to eat watching an old Leftist Cooks video essay.
The discourse is getting my blood up again, and that's the last thing my body needs at the moment. I need to log off but I also need groceries. πŸ’•πŸ’ΈπŸ’žπŸ³β€βš§β™Ώ
Describe yourself as one character from a show cosplaying as another. I am Vash dressed up as Wolfwood.