
A lot of nations outside the EU have visa schemes for teleworkers with a $5k to $15k buy-in and proof of continued income. These will shift as things progress, and Europe is hardening against immigrants, but there are Paraguays that want middle class educated knowledge workers.
[Former state dept. kid speaking] more accurately, plenty of countries want the commerce that American tourists bring; few countries want Americans to stay. Regardless of whether the US has interfered in the country or not.
I can't say the idea doesn't appeal to me at this point. Anywhere has to be better than all this.
A weird thing I’m realizing about this conversation is that it is trending toward people saying that leaving is a fantasy, when I literally know several not rich folk who got remote jobs then fucked off to South America on a work visa. They aren’t cheap, but $4k/$15k is also less than a used car.
A friend of mind told me "you would like Finland", of all places. Leaving feels like a fantasy, but the only reason I stay is for family. Otherwise, I'd be gone.
part of the trouble there of course, you're fleeing fascism/autocracy and well there's Argentina and recently Brazil and oh yeah Venezuela and welp. and so on. fuck it, I'm going to Antarctica. I figure it'll be nice and balmy in oh, about five years
Yeah. No one knows the right choices on how to go forward.
all those "why didn't they just leave" from early Nazi days. because they didn't have psychic powers as to HOW bad it would be many DID try, and were turned back many others DID leave but ooops, new country invaded or taken over shortly thereafter also etc
It’s why I pushed back on this. People are making very personal decisions about their families and “What was right?” may never really be something they can ever answer.
i've been casting a beady eye toward Mexico, oh irony irony. dunno if I can legally work across borders though. also, oh, everything.