
I will go look for the actual page later but this picture has floated around as a meme but I found the FB page that posted it and it posts this and a few other prompts over and over again with SLIGHT variances that hang over from pic to pic. The words on the sign have slightly changed. It's eerie.
I am convinced there is some deeper algorithm training for nefarious purposes from these types of posts on Facebook. The one that keeps posting the same phrase with slightly different variances and slightly morphing over time freaks me the fuck out.
oh all the pages like to repeatedly repost this guy
it is def a *thing*, first blush assumption is it's looking for suckers and reaching out in DMs / targeting next level engagement based on like list
2nd assumption is that sign is a retrieval phrase, maybe used with Google Image Search to check the crop without login
That's definitely the brute force and most currently marketable use of it. But also it seems like a strange method to keep doing slight alterations and such unless there's some sort of longer term purpose.
I have become the cat. The cat is me. I may go watch that drew gooden video about this again.