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Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
In my latest post, explore the dark world of violent extremist networks like М.К.У. and NLM, linked to 764. Discover their neo-Nazi ideologies, real-world attacks, and the blend of digital and offline violence. Learn how these groups pose a global threat. www.maargentino.com/part-1-mania...
PART 1 Maniacs, Murder and Misanthropy: What is М.К.У.www.maargentino.com Bottom line up front of М.К.У. Who: М.К.У. (Maniac Murder Cult) was formed by a group of extremist individuals, led by a figure known as Maniac, a 20-year-old from Dnipro, Ukraine. What: М.К.У. ...
Couple fun updates- Ben Ryder has been officially kicked out of all Philadelphia crews. He nuked the former active club channel (the old boneheads started their own. A nazi called @wotan14 posted Ryder's DMs. He replied with Ryders dox 😆 The nazis posted his dox on telegram. Lynn we see you 👀
Update- local nazis saw the article. Fuck around and find out Ben Ryder 🍿
Update- local nazis saw the article. Fuck around and find out Ben Ryder 🍿
2/2 Jerseycounterinfo published this article today detailing the identification of Ben Ryder. There will be more in the future about him and Injekt and their ES/S14/WLM comrade Matt Bair, plus his lady friend nazi roommate ;) jerseycounterinfo.noblogs.org/nj-hate-watc...
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
2/2 Jerseycounterinfo published this article today detailing the identification of Ben Ryder. There will be more in the future about him and Injekt and their ES/S14/WLM comrade Matt Bair, plus his lady friend nazi roommate ;) jerseycounterinfo.noblogs.org/nj-hate-watc...
Since the wrecked wedding was a hit, let's meet one of Mark's close friends Ben Ryder. He's in the three Philly groups (wlm, S14, ES) yet hasn't been kicked for being a pedo (he's at least the second member). We've been watching as Ben has gone to his current flirting with Injekt [Article below]
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
guys i wrote another book!!! it's coming out in october!!! you can preorder it here!!! www.hachettebookgroup.com/titles/talia...
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Raw Egg Nationalist was identified by the good folks at @hopenothate.bsky.social this is a massive ID. Meet Charles Cornish-Dale hopenothate.org.uk/2024/06/20/e...
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
So, crashing a plane in the interests of terrorism is evil, so evil that all of us have to have full body scans at airports to prevent it from happening. But crashing a plane (or two) in the interests of capitalism is a whoopsie and not deserving of real punishment for anyone involved.
Breaking News: Boeing is expected to avoid criminal charges for violating a 2021 settlement related to two deadly crashes involving 737 Max planes.
Boeing Is Expected to Evade Criminal Charges for Violating Settlementnyti.ms The Justice Department will require the aircraft manufacturer to install an independent federal monitor to oversee safety and quality issues.
"shooter taken into custody" we all know exactly what that means
FORDYCE, Ark. (AP) — 2 people were killed and 8 others wounded in shooting at grocery store in south Arkansas, police say.
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
"Fun" story: it's actually an SOP for SWAT responding to an active shooter to assume ANYONE on scene is a threat, and they must "address all threats" before providing medical care. So they might *actually* handcuff you before they stop any bleeding you have. Depending on how scared they are...
Active shooter training at work was mostly about how there’s nothing much you can do so just don’t scare any cops who might arrive by screaming or crying.
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Why are so many cell phone providers down right now? (Hopefully this message sends)
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
"Trump’s goons have been kidnapping your neighbors, blocking your access to abortion, openly promoting white nationalism, calling the targets for lone wolf assassins who shoot up synagogues—and your chief concern is whether what they’re doing is legal?" crimethinc.com/2018/11/09/t... 🧵⬇️
Take Your Pick: Law or Freedomcrimethinc.com Cheerleading for "the rule of law" hamstrings movements for change, giving Trump and others like him precisely the tools they need to suppress dissent.
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
This is why they spend a half billion a year on union busting
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Stephen T. Farrea of Portsmouth RI, the NSC-131 member recently arrested by his local police under RI's child porn possession statute, is also a residential rental landlord. He is known to rent at least some of his units to his fellow NSC-131 neo-Nazis! bywayofplymouth.noblogs.org/post/2023/08...
Stephen T. Farrea – By Way of Plymouthbywayofplymouth.noblogs.org
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
What interests me about this is that DOJ says half a million IP addresses in the US were hijacked to commit computer crimes, including CSAM. So how many cases in the last decade were opened in the US by agencies unaware these were botnet crimes? I’ve asked DOJ if it’s conducting any kind of audit.
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
expose, disrupt, dismantle
Please read this article on Trenin Bayless aka Turn Coat. He's written for the Atomwaffen website and he's teaching university students. Trenin is also running for office. This is an important ID
The article is long (and so much was removed, his fiction writing and social commentary is soooo bad) but check it out for info on how Trenin Bayless was ID and some action items fashfreenw.noblogs.org/trenin-bayle...
Trenin Bayless is ‘TurnCoat’: Montana White Nationalist Vies for State Legislature Seat While Preparing for Societal Collapse – Fash Free NorthWestfashfreenw.noblogs.org
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
Unfortunately it’s that time again to expose another Montana neo-Nazi. Meet Trenin Bayless living in Butte Montana Trenin Bayless is a pro accelerationist neo-Nazi active with WLM; he is also a PhD post doc researcher and a Republican candidate for state office fashfreenw.noblogs.org/trenin-bayle...
Trenin Bayless is ‘TurnCoat’: Montana White Nationalist Vies for State Legislature Seat While Preparing for Societal Collapse – Fash Free NorthWestfashfreenw.noblogs.org
FYI this is a faildox. I am not that person. Paul Minton was disavowed by both WLM and the SoCal Active Club. Third photo is a Tennessee nazi spilling the tea. They never cared that Paul is a confirmed pedophile. Or his snitching. Now he's lashing out at me. Get your popcorn ready 😎
Thread 🧵: There have been recent reports of an American citizen "serving" in the IDF and brazenly committing war crimes. He has been positively identified as 34 year old Brooklyn/Los Angeles resident Shmuel Benchemhoun.
Reposted byAvatar WizardAFA
New: UK To Be First To Add Terrorgram Collective to List of Proscribed Groups One Canadian man awaiting trial for terrorism charges related to the Atomwaffen Division is also alleged to be one of the pseudonymous authors of the collective’s manifestos.
UK To Be First To Add Terrorgram Collective to List of Proscribed Groupswww.antihate.ca One Canadian man awaiting trial for terrorism charges related to the Atomwaffen Division is also alleged to be one of the pseudonymous authors of the collective’s manifestos.