W. L. Bolm

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W. L. Bolm


Member of the SFWA and Codex Writers, open source advocate, product manager, teacher, they/them
Well now I feel like I should own a blazer
I was super messy in my 20s, a bit of an edgelord, but sometimes I miss this person who was taking their first steps towards figuring themselves out. And also taking their first steps towards self advocacy and liking themself, and slowly building more healthy relationships.
Every once in a while I do look cool now, but it's more of an accident
I decided I wanted to be a model, so I did that. I was in shows around Tampa and St. Pete and was on track to be a minor local Myspace celebrity. People made fan art of my pictures (one was an oil painting). I was in a short film. Then I picked up a stalker and put on the brakes.
I liked being goth because it was very much a drag aesthetic for me, and in Tampa there were no rules. We had a 50+ year old guy who dressed like Peter Pan and made his own costumes. A guy called The Senator who wore women's lingerie. I could wear neon outfits and no one cared.
My body is stressed from the crop of summer murder weather that's popped up in the Midwest tonight so I'm going to post a bit about my experiences being a non-binary baby goth figuring out my gender. I was a glitter goth in the mid-2000s.
My bud took a picture of this exciting beetle before single handedly murdering the grape vine that was eating my garage.
We found this bud yesterday
#somethingbeautiful If you're in St. Paul, MN you can ride a historic, restored carousel in Como Park.
#SomethingBeautiful as a break today. Can you share something to break up the gloomscroll too?
I feel like my bedhead game is making me look a lot cooler than I actually am this morning.
Working from the porch, in the process of reclaiming my space after having less than stellar roommates
Sometimes morning texts to people you love and up dredging up pure memory gold.
Also cheated on my dogs while I was in Madison
Cheating on my cats in Madison
"Do not call my brother, I'm right here"
He's busy brooding at the window so I booped his booty. Then his brother got jealous I was calling his name
Supreme bedhead + telling wishes to my cat in case he can grant them
It appears I had too much fun in St. Paul tonight and now I can't sleep.
A single mother and her big boi son
If you see this post your pets! A pet losing his last marble over the TERRIBLE TRANSPARENT FORCEFIELD that SEPARATES HIM from the rest of the WORLD (the other door to the living room is wide open as it always is, he is not trapped)
Being cool while also being uncomfortably warm
If you're ever in Appleton you should definitely check out Arkana Books, fashioned after A Room of One's Own in Madison. There's even a coffee shop with delicious LotR themed drinks.
Thinking about how 8 years ago I was a grand marshall of a pride parade and we took time out to read the names of the victims of the Pulse shooting, which happened the week before. And how we need Pride because we keep getting murdered.
39+ bsky drop a pic with your age, if you want. This is the year I'm the answer to everything. ^.^
Fine Fine 39+ bsky drop a pic with your age, if you want. Likewise, I have no idea how I survived this long, but I'm almost 42 & happier than I've ever been.
My favorite is the giant bassigator
It wasn't super bright near Green Bay
And my dogs Shotzie and Django
I've got a house full of cuddle buddies. My terrible babies Prince and David Rose.