
That's part of the attack. It's intended to destroy hope
Already feels bad, like the Trump years did, when there was no way to escape knowing horrible new things multiple times a day
Unfortunately, as is now being borne out daily, Democratic Party officials and journalism outlets did not spend so much as a single moment actually listening to the warnings of disinformation experts and researchers of the far right
it's particularly disheartening watching the major news outlets respond to authoritarianism by shifting the editorial overton window rightward because they were scared by a few civil rights protests and a fairly miniscule shift of power toward labor during covid
the skeerdy cat reaction against people protesting police freely murdering has been discussed, but I don't see much recognition at all the white hot rage that burned on the right, for the super-rich, and the reactionary 'small bidness' class from the moment we helped workers early pandemic
allowing the public the grace to work from home, and the data proving it's generally a good thing for productivity and morale, drove a large segment of the extraction class positively insane