
The ‘your tattoos will look so bad when you’re 80’ is such a weird argument. First, bold of you to assume I’ll live that long, old people with tattoos look absolutely baller, and lastly ‘oh no there goes my GILF modelling career!’
I've had "But what'll you do when you're old!" I'll look old, bruh. Wrinkled and white hair and all the cool things that come along with it.
Oh no you’ve ruined your perfect 80 year old skin
If we can’t dress and look however TF we want when we’re 80, then when CAN we? When are we finally old enough to make our own choices? I think if you survive to 80 you should get to have all the fun you want
Don’t people like gilfs with tattoos?
🤷‍♀️ I think it looks cool
I think the one you designed for me looks cool
I totally misread this a gif and was trying to figure out a gif tattoo.
Gif tattoos are when you have one tattoo on your front, and another on your back, and you spin around really fast to switch between them.
These are people who live their lives ruled by fear trying to scare you into making their mistakes. If you enjoy a tattoo for 30-60 years, that would be a good deal even if it did look bad at the end!
2 things to say about this: 1. I'm a man, so I suspect that's the main reason nobody has offered me this "advice" in the 8 years I've had tattoos. 2. These people always assume your aging goals are the same as theirs. What if for example, you want to age into a grizzled, pipe-smoking sea captain?
I mean like, we’ve figured out Otzi’s tatts so what’s the worry with that
Yeah like I’m pretty sure I’ll look old either way because I’ll be old, it’s ok
Here's another thing: Lets presume those people are correct. Assuming someone gets their tattoos after they're legally adults.... they could be enjoying tattoos that look good for UP TO /SIXTY/ YEARS!!!!! Tell me ONE OTHER THING that costs $500-$5000 that will last you that long!!!!
I've had my tattoo since I was 20. I have not once regretted it, even if it isn't as sharp as it used to be.
But doesn't skin generally not look great when your 80 anyway? XD
When i worked at outback there was a husband and wife that were in their 70s covered in american traditional and they looked fucking awesome
I've had folks say that to me, and always makes me laugh. I used to work at a nursing home and most there who had tattoos were proud to show them off! They may have aged like the person, but they were badass, and the folks loved telling the stories of getting them! If anything, it made me want one!
We all turn ugly when we get old so what's the problem? 😅
Kinda wild that people always assume you end up looking like a raisin once you turn 80 ... and even if you did, a tattooed raisin looks just as nice as a regular one, imho. :)
If people are looking at my skin that closely when I’m 80 I’m gonna ask ‘em for a rub down.
People are still saying that? Lol
and if they mean they'll look faded and bland then, let me introduce them to the bold and wild concept of "getting your tats re-inked"
My idea is to have a nautical chart of where I'm from tattooed on my back. It would look better the older and more wrinkled my skin becomes. I'll leave it to someone in my will for the extra macabre.