
Your cynical despair about the "inevitability" of GPT and "AI" scraping or other depredations of the technocratic classes is not cool, it's not cute, and it does not make you smarter or more savvy. It's sad, and frankly kind of sickening.
nothing is inevitable but the heat death of the universe, & everything can be changed, with the right combination of communication & communal effort. Some people are overwhelmed & despair of these things because they genuinely don't see a light anywhere, & we should help each other find that light…
…but the ones doing it for social cache and clout are real, and should be excoriated for it. Write. Talk. Organize. Work. Push public awareness and gather vollective power. Nothing is inevitable. Everything can be changed.
I'm always kind of surprised by how possible rejections of AI implementations actually are. GAI is a bit different but all the junk about AI in teaching, healthcare, governance etc. SkyNet isn't taking over, it's governments making crappy choices they could very easily not make.
Are you the person who posted the other day that hope is a discipline? If so, thank you. It came just when I needed to hear it. And so true. Hope is a discipline. We need this discipline to do the work that needs to be done.
Thanks for boosting us up, Damien. We appreciate you. x
Today's must-read. Everything has a history, including yesterday's judicial coup on behalf of the executive, now possessing legal immunities that would be the envy of an absolute monarch.
I refuse to accept the heat death of the universe and I will do whatever I must to get Galen of Taa to the next cosmos