
Just need to say out loud & plain that I hate that the values of our society are so completely fucked & the power of the administrative state so completely diminished that these companies can just steal from us & run roughshod over our Actual needs, & we have damn near no fucking recourse. I HATE it
That being said, "Damn Near," is not "none," and there are still ways to build and coalesce power to push back against these depredations, and build a better, more compassionate, and more just world, together.
Just need to say out loud & plain that I hate that the values of our society are so completely fucked & the power of the administrative state so completely diminished that these companies can just steal from us & run roughshod over our Actual needs, & we have damn near no fucking recourse. I HATE it
Every once in awhile they really rub it in by passing some regulations to fix one of the thousand little ways the companies do this, which just reminds you the other 999 ways are tacitly accepted as part of the system with no effort by anyone in power to change it.
There is just such a deep level of frustration everywhere all the time when day to day life is a constant labyrinth of scams at every turn