
Reminder that lots of people you encounter are hanging on to a thread by their fingernails so unless it's psychedelics, therapy, a meaningfully viable organizational roadmap, a hug, or some other real support, maybe ask yourself if what you're about to offer is helpful or if you're just startin shit
Note: some people *do need* shit started in their general direction. Seeking to know the difference or balance between these is the truth of discernment, and the way of the true sage
Reminder that lots of people you encounter are hanging on to a thread by their fingernails so unless it's psychedelics, therapy, a meaningfully viable organizational roadmap, a hug, or some other real support, maybe ask yourself if what you're about to offer is helpful or if you're just startin shit
One of my favorite things with my relationship with my wife is she is pretty good at starting shit when I need it. I slack off too much on household chores? That's a much-needed direct callout kick in the pants.
and that's why I typically provide advice in the form of a $20 bill with no strings attached, since I can't solve any of the other problems
Thank you! I wish more people thought before they spoke!
Hugs are highly underrated. Especially after the pandemic when people forgot how important direct empathy is.
But know your audience! I used to hug when I drank a lot. Now I barely drink and I do NOT hug. I know plenty of other people that feel the same for their own reasons.
I’m on the spectrum so communication was tough for me as kid. I am more social now but still super anxiety around some crowds. Someone even patting me on the back will instantly bring me out of negativeland.
Oh yeah, hugs and touches are great for some folks! That's why I said "know your audience" If you don't know the person well, ask! 🫂