Stone Cold Jane Austen

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Stone Cold Jane Austen

Bothers wool. Thinks animals are ok. Reads a lot.
Dreams of boats and land trains.
Might one day get my shit together. She/her
Like some felt art?
Went to the beach for a bit. With the rain on my glasses and the mist from my cateracts, it was so immersing I almost managed to turn into a wraith and drift away. Maybe I'll try again tomorrow
Not really internetting much because there is no Internet unless we sit out on the wall, but oh well. at least the view from the wall is nice
There's a lot of this kind of thing going on here. I'm not sure what it's about, but I approve of it.
Not sure if the banner outside our vicarage offering holy hotdogs is evidence of the new(ish) vicars sense of humour, or evidence of a complete lack of it
Avatar I wrote a little bit about Austerity. About (though I hate to think of myself as such) being one of its victims. About how it's made so many lives harder in small ways. I hope, too, about how those people are still people with agency
A Thousand Back in 2013/2014 I did an Access to the Humanities in Higher Education Diploma. The subjects covered in it were English, History, Law and Study Skills. It got me into university, as I didn't have ful...
Fuck labour. All my homies hate labour
I have been put on the least urgent band for housing after a 6 week wait. Apparently they consider our family to be housed securely because I have not proved that I am homeless yet. No instructions on how to do that are forthcoming. It'll be another 6 weeks to reassess.
Fish and chip shop in a fish and chip town at night
Enjoying the sinister edge the red blind gives my holiday cottage bedroom.
Managed to move house with the help of a very pernickety old man and a teen who wanted to only pack one type of thing in each box and somehow a) survived and b) didn't kill anyone. I deserve a big foil covered chocolate medal with a red ribbon.
Out of our home today, and still don't have anywhere permanent, which is frankly terrifying. Just about keeping it together for the kids but bloody hell, you know? Thanks to everyone, people have been so kind. Just ridiculously lovely. Wish us luck.
Dad woke me up at 4.30 today. I feel almost human.
My dad, at THREE THIRTY am, just mocked me for not being a morning person. Fml
Applied for a house that allows pets today. It's really, really tiny, just about in our price range, and really quite shitty looking so we may just about qualify for it. Say a prayer, We are out of here and jumping from place to place from next Friday so we need some luck/religion/bribe money
I have been packing when I haven't been working and shifting big things to the dump inbetween. On my own. I am SO tired. I have pulled something in my arm and in my chest. I have to move more stuff. I need a day off please. No sympathy. I just needed to complain a little. Dark humour welcome.
Everyone’s mourning Donald Sutherland by naming really great movies, and I want to point out that he was also the best thing, often the single redeeming thing, in some lousy movies that people still love because Donald Sutherland.
From the Icelandic news: Resident at Vogar í Vatnsleysuströnd says that his home is under siege by aggressive rams. When asked, the owner of the rams says he is sorry for the inconvenience, but stresses that the rams are not aggressive at all, but very nice.
Segir á­rásar­gjarna hrúta sitja um heimilið sitt - Ví Lausaganga hrúta í Vogum á Vatnsleysuströnd hefur orðið tilefni talsverðrar óánægju meðal íbúa. Baldur Gunnarsson íbúi í bænum segir hrútavandann hafa verið viðvarandi síðustu ár og árásargjarnir hrút...
Packed all my books except these, which are staying by my bed. Some I haven't read, some are there just to comfort me. Going to enjoy a bedside shelf while I still have one
Still carefully packing all my treasures into boxes. Travel well Battle Cat
Found the cat, or the cat found us, she was very loud and annoyed and marched out from underneath a car to demand food. Thank goodness. I am going to spend the rest of the day having a sit down.
Every day I wonder how the dog can be comfy.
I keep thinking I'm not as blind as I am and doing stupid things and what I have learned this week is that when you cannot see well it's a bad idea to cut your own hair.
Welcome to Jane's world of boxes. We may have packed the dustpan and brush and the vaccumn cleaner appears to be unrepentantly blocked. Come sit and gaze upon the pile of stuff that no one can be persuaded to take away.