Hildur Knútsdóttir

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Hildur Knútsdóttir


Icelandic writer.

The Night Guest, out September 3rd, published by Tor Nightfire.
honestly they’re kinda cooking with this
Sometimes I kind of wish for that thing I had when I was a kid where I would just read all kinds of books by all kinds of authors and I would not know a single thing about them and so I would never be disappointed by the things the said or did.
Best find of the week for me: A recording of an Icelandic scholar reciting a poem in what is believed to be how the settlers of Iceland (aka vikings) spoke.
lyden av Haraldskvadet | Rikssamlingsjubileet 2022rikssamlingsjubileet.no
It’s all over the news in Iceland today that we really need more doctors (especially family doctors). My feed is full of Americans making escape plans so I am just putting it out there.
I kneel in the direction of Google HQ chanting my mantra, "the electricity needs of AI supercede the human requirement of an inhabitable planet" outside the window a choir of Boston Dynamics robot dogs bark the national anthem
MOUNTAIN VIEW, Calif. (AP) — Google falling short of important climate target, cites electricity needs of AI.
I may just be a simple country publicist, but Erewhon's 2024 is looking mighty fine! Give me a shout if you review & if you’re a reader, do not miss out on: Womb City 🌆 River Mumma 🌊 The Feast Makers 🔮 Fall of the Iron Gods 🤖 Escape Velocity 🚀 The Eyes Are The Best Part 👁️ The Deading 🐌
Not making any threats here, just thinking out loud as a historian — do they people brazenly pushing for impunity for the wealthy elites not know what traditionally comes next?
the combination of Ohio, Chevron, and Jarkesy is to tell the extraordinarily rich “there’s no one who can hold you accountable for anything if you can afford a lawsuit”
Heads up! Zenith Literary doesn’t exist. This is a fake agency and they don’t represent any of the books displayed on their home page. These are fucking predators. zenithliterary.com/books/
Me: Yelling at my children from the couch. Uggi:
I am so worried about the U.S. presidential election. The single worst day I had in all of covid time was when I woke up in Iceland the morning after the last election and the counted votes showed that Trump had won. It is literally the only election result I have shed actual tears over.
It's cheaper to fly from Iceland to Paris than it is to take a public, state run bus from Reykjavík to Höfn í Hornafirði (455 km). And yet we pretend to be a civilised nation that concerns itself with the environment and the well being of our citizens.
Dýrara að taka strætó til Horna­fjarðar en að fljúga til Parísar - Vísirwww.visir.is Að komast til Hafnar í Hornafirði í strætó kostar tæpar sautján þúsund krónur en það er í mörgum tilfellum dýrara en að fljúga erlendis, stundum yfir langar vegalengdir.
This used to be a whole mattress
My number one writing tip is: DON'T keep going back to the beginning and fiddling with stuff and starting over. You are allowed to rewrite what you wrote the day before but touch NOTHING you wrote before that. I have met people who never finish anything because they keep starting over and over.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
Pleasant surprise of the day. Who doesn't love photos of trains, plains and other random stuff?
I did not come here to be assaulted like this.
Child chose violence today and sent me this:
In Iceland we have a word for feeling really guilty for staying inside on a sunny day, because they are so rare and precious. We call it "sólviskubit" and it sounds a lot like "samviskubit" which means having a guilty conscious. And I am suffering from a sólviskubit right now.
It’s time to read this book out loud to myself before it goes to print! Last chance to fix what needs fixing 🤞
Jæja látum reyna á mátt bluesky! Ef þið eruð með tengingar inní fyrirtæki má endilega koma þessu til skila 😊 Það má líka senda mér einkaskilaboð ❤
Back home with Uggi ♥️
Talking with my (Icelandic) editor about my next book: Editor: So how are we feeling about blood on the cover? Me: I always want blood.