
The ideal social media presence is to have enough followers that you can ask a sampling of real and spiritual dads a question about plumbing on a Sunday afternoon and receive solid helpful replies …but not so many followers that you receive death threats at your job I have reached homeostasis
More like death threats just for asking a plumbing question on a Sunday
That was pretty much the case for me on Twitter, yes
As far as plumbing goes, thinking it’d be nice to flush the whole social media system down the drain. It seems to favor the deranged & dangerous. Why do we have to set up protections on forums to avoid harm? The creeps should be in danger, not us regular folk. It makes sense that Musk wanted Twitter
It gives the impression that there are a lot of people willing to be exceptionally nasty when there’s little to no repercussions. I just wonder what they get from it? Like kids stomping on ants mentality
I guess some people get a rush from low to no accountability for their actions. I see that behavior bleeding over from social media side to real life side. People aren’t equipped to evaluate the difference. The rest of us suffer from the perturbations of Silicon Valley billionaires.