Elizabeth Wrigley-Field

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Elizabeth Wrigley-Field


Sociologist/demographer specializing in mortality, racial inequity, infectious disease. Avid theater-goer, inconsistent powerlifter, and erstwhile operator of an all-volunteer bookstore. Toddler parent. Living not-quite-car-free in Minneapolis. she/her
My child (age 2) is obsessed with this book & especially the school principal portrayed within, Mr. Lane. Today I was reading her The Three Little Pigs and at one moment when the wolf appeared, my mom said, “Uh oh! I’m worried!” My kid said, “I’m worried too! About Mr. Lane.” Her loyalty is vast!
Minnesota’s warming (hottening!)
Today’s the longest day of the year in the NH and it is also #showyourstripes day. The warming stripes, that is! The brainchild of @edhawkins.bsky.social, each stripe represents a year. Get the stripes for where you live here and share: showyourstripes.info
Show Your Stripesshowyourstripes.info Visualising how the climate has changed for every country across the globe
Hundreds of millions of dollars on the LaGuardia renovation and we’re sitting on the ground to eat our snack because there are literally like ten seats total in the baggage claim (DON’T GET ME STARTED ON THE BATHROOMS) #ShitholeCountry #LGA #accessibility
This approach is also advocated in this excellent cookbook
New research & lead article at NEJM today led by amazing Minnesota Epi PhD student Allison Lind. (Also w Susan Mason and me) (More graphs in the supplement. Notably: define rural however you want [in categories that can be constructed from NCHS]; the story is the same) www.nejm.org/doi/full/10....
Firearms are now the #1 cause of US youth deaths (displacing car accidents). But WHO is dying? We show: Black youth firearm deaths have been rising in RURAL AREAS for >1 decade; Since 2018, Black rural youth have matched Black urban youth This is new www.nejm.org/doi/full/10....
I'm rereading an article I wrote a few years ago (trying to regain some of its insights to get intuition for something new I learned today), and I spent like 10 minutes puzzling over the very first line of a proof I'd written Only to finally give up and scroll down to see my commentary begin thusly
Above-the-fold story in one of these is my (research) collaboration, and above-the-fold story in the other is my partner’s (labor organizing) collaboration. A good Twin Cities newspaper day for our household!
Noting without commentary that everyone in my Minnesota feeds is saying of our new state flag, "It's mediocre, and that fits," and meaning it sincerely as something like a compliment
End of feed.