
“On Tuesday, Mr. Macron accused the new left-wing New Popular Front alliance of Socialist, Green & far-left parties of being totally “immigrationiste” — a word often used by Ms. Le Pen’s party to describe politicians who encourage uncontrolled immigration.” It’s all masks off in The West.
The Nation Resurgent, and Borders, In France, as in the United States, feelings harden against immigrants, and President Emmanuel Macron and President Biden take note.
Macron has been behaving as an authoritarian right-winger for quite a bit. But that it made its way to the NYT is indeed interesting, thanks. OTOH, the NYT's line that "feelings have hardened around immigration" is... not what is happening.
Yeah it’s totally framed as a natural phenomenon which is another element of the masks being removed.
He's always been. (As a french guy) It was plainly obvious to see when the yellow vest movement started a year after his election and the police brutality that followed it. Dozens of people losing an eye, a hand, being incapacitated in some way, due to police firing point blank rubber bullets