
Supreme Court rules 6-3 American Revolutionary War was incorrectly decided
If that means a return to a parliamentary system of government for the US, I'd take it!
Not that many parliaments are doing a fantastic job globally right now either, tho I do have a soft spot for them
Our system is done and I think we need to stop pretending that there is something left to salvage. No matter what we vote in November it's clear we no longer operate under rules and laws and are no longer a democracy in any sense of the word. Time for us to accept America's 1st democracy failed.
Technically we’re already on our second. The first failed nearly immediately.
think you can make some non-trivial claims to there being a few discontinuities
colonial era != continental congress era != founding era != reconstruction era != preera != interwar era != cold war era != post-cold war era != current era; tho folks can draw the lines in different places
I can't shake the feeling that the only thing that held our crap system "together" if it can even be called that was the unifying element of white supremacy, and a general majority agreement to do racist policies. I don't know if American democracy ever amounted to anything more than that.
I don't think that's true at all. Several times we have quite violently rejected that very issue and attempted to Re-Found without it. First with the Civil War and again with the Warren court attempting to make good on the promises of Reconstruction.
Our entire Senate and congressional system along with federalism was designed to placate slave owners and get them to join the union and when they tried to destroy us all anyway we reunited with them afterwards by letting them keep their unfair representation advantages.