Wudang96 💜🌻

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Wudang96 💜🌻


Coffee. Black. Thanks. Cats, birds, gardening, environment, not so much yelling, traditional martial arts, and fun. T2. Writer, developer, grandma, and baker of cakes. Producer at channel15radio.com Old time radio drama for a new era. Listen in? Come with?
Hello. Can everyone please take out your calendars and flip to today? Thank you. Does everyone see where it says July? Up at the top of the page there? July.
They would rather spend billions on hate than $1 on tolerance and fairness. We could solve so many problems if the 'hate brigades' would just stop. They don't have to do anything. Just sit down and stfu.
"Interesting" is doing way too much work there.
I once stood in line for 2+ hours to get a cup of coffee after a hurricane. Only place with a backup generator. Electric crews rolled in. The folks on those trucks were our heroes.
So very happy. The show is taking form. (smiles and grins) Talked with two more actors today. They like their characters. That is so very important in the way the voices come out. (giddy oh my!) We are going to have a great show!!
So it's not so much Biden as his advisors who want to hold onto what power they have?
Depends upon your target audience: I needed to reach seniors who are not online Printed & bindered two copies of the entire mess: where do they go?🤔 Senior Center & Library in town (both have AC), with an email contact sheet, should they wish follow-up Already replaced sheets, TWICE: they were FULL
Schedules ready. Script changes ready. Call with new actors at 2 and 5. Then, back to editing. Would like to get a few scenes wrapped up today. Takes way more than 10 minutes to get 10 minutes. whah. phooey. Take 2? (nah, way beyond two) You're gonna like the way we sound. (yes, I stole that)
school vouchers are designed to starve public schools and they’re working in that regard
Still working on the moving parts for the podcast audio drama. Seven, no nine, no wait ten voices. Whole crowd. It's such fun. Getting closer. Release is set for September 8. It's gonna be close. So much to do. Shorts coming soon. ;-)
Not been there. Close though. No thanks. Is there a Really Don't Want This Can't We Have Sanity party??
I agree. I think most of the people actually handling elections make them secure. I hope it stays that way My comment was about the media coverage. They give him 200% of the available airtime. We all soffocate.
They aren't living in the real world any more are they?
though her father be very rich, any man is so very a fool to be married to hell?
Trump-Vance isn't designed to win over more voters, but ensure the next coup attempt proceeds more smoothly
The Republican Party has nominated a man for Vice President who says he would have ended American democracy if he’d had that role in 2021. abcnews.go.com/Politics/jd-...
What's the counter to that? Repeating that it is inevitable is a mantra we don't need. Who is creating the story line that isn't about them and whatever they are doing? Nobody. Once again, all the air gets sucked out of the room by coverage of him and whatever he does 24/7 and nothing else matters.
Violence is bad. Period. But this whole thing seems problematic and the repeating clips make his exit seem staged. Instead of ?? he took advantage of the photo op?? None of it makes sense in the real world. Sadly, it fits his script perfectly.
guy who appointed judge gets to walk because of the judge he appointed. US would be banana republic if it weren’t already three-ring Trump circus
They don't. They want control. Period. How many sexual assault felons would be considered for supervisory positions? How many years have others spent in prison for taking one sheet of paper? There should be a remedy that keeps him out of power the same as for anyone else with his record.
That is straight from the script. And oh look, he got all his "clap and cheer" lines in one quote! Wow! But he missed something about 'her emails,' Or is it 'the laptop' now? Give him a B- with points for effort. Maybe he can get Washington, Lincoln, and Jefferson in the next one.
Cat on the floor. ;-) Her name is Xin. And she'd like to know if you might have an extra box?
Lights and a beautiful stained glass window.
It looks delightful! (smiles and grins)