
As the longest serving member of the Senate Intelligence Committee, I can say with confidence that this bill is the biggest expansion of the government's warrantless surveillance power since the PATRIOT Act. I encourage everyone to call your Senators and urge them to vote NO on expanding FISA.
As the U.S. Senate prepares to vote on reauthorizing and expanding Section 702, we need your help to let them know: this bill is not a compromise, it’s the largest legal expansion of mass surveillance since the Patriot Act. Use this handy tool to call:
Tell the U.S. Senate: STOP RISAA, the FISA Mass Surveillance We all deserve privacy in our communications. Part of that is imposing limits upon the government’s ability to collect and access them. That’s why it’s critical to reform Section 702, the mass surveil...
Ps what are you doing to stop the genocide today? How are you helping those students being arrested at Columbia? You have so much power yet you just keep asking us to call your coworkers for you.
He supports it, he’s my senator and I’ve reached out to his office multiple times. It’s disappointing because he’s a pretty good senator otherwise
Yeah I've been voting for Wyden since I was 18 year old. 20 years of him. Never again. When the one thing he's not good at is "not endorsing genocide" he can get fucked.
Why would he stop something he whole-heartedly endorses? He's zionist scum, a complete racist and a monster.
Oh yes I’m sure our calls will totally matter more than the billionaires who own you
You are the Senator. What are you doing about it?
are you under the impression that there is only one senator
Do you know what my Senators say when i talk to them? They tell me to call him. I’d like to know who he’s calling, does that seem like too hard a question for a Senator to you? Next time let the people asking for votes speak for themselves. Literally no one asked you.
you seem extremely confused
Yeah i’ve muted you so i dunno what you said but it matters not at all, because this is still my response - to you, to him, and to everyone else. Especially Southern senators, who deliberately just leave their phones off the hook, which he knows perfectly well. Or else he’s not doing his job.
I really, really need people to challenge our legislators when they tell us to call other legislators. *You* were elected to be the person who interacts with them on our behalf. It’s fine to ask your constituents to engage the process, but tell us *what you are doing about it from your post*
Yeah none of this works the way you think it works, and it’s not Ron Wyden’s social media intern’s problem that you have no idea how any of this works.
as if people haven't been calling y'all for decades, fuck off pig. i got a better solution for those senators and lawmakers, it's called a guilliotine.
That’s where we’re inevitably headed
Thank you and glad you are my senator so I don't have to call you. Is Merkley on board or should I give him a jingle?
Depressing to see my pennsylvania senators Casey and Fetterman vote for this. At this point, i consider you more representative of me than my actual senators.
Thank you for opposing this, Senator Wyden. I am proud to be your constituent and am very supportive of your efforts in this matter. The mass, warrentless surveillance of US citizens should be opposed by all Americans. It is a serious civil rights violation. I urge everyone to contact your reps
Wait there are senators on here now? When did that happen?
They won't vote NO! They want to expand the Surveillance State and you KNOW this! You're sharing space with fascists!
If you're sharing space with fascists then you might also become a fascist. Don't blame anyone thinking that of you especially when you vote to fucking genocide Palestinians! Fascist!
One down; do we need to bother Senator Merkley or is he with us already?
Will they package it with this ban tiktok bill?
Thank you Sen Wyden for rejecting this enhanced reauthorization of Section 702 Warrantless surveillance does secure our nation and is violation of the precepts which the USA was founded
"hey, call your senators and do my job for me"
You are my Senator. I expect you to vote no.
As the longest serving member of the Senate Intelligence Committee you should also be able to say with confidence that Israel is an apartheid state. And yet.