
If anyone has any ideas how to fix brain fog, I'd appreciate them. I've tried caffeine and food and hydration and I'd really like my executive function to return enough to take out the trash and clean the litter box, chores I have been trying to do for 3 days now.
OH AND PAIN KILLER man under treated pain fucks my brain
Aside from your list? For me? Salt, Antihistamines and or lions mane mushroom.
I just popped a benadril because I missed that one. Also took my last two Advil. Ugh. I cannot go to the store in this condition.
It is depressing how often I take a pain killer that doesn’t seem to help the pain but a half hour later I’m less tired and can think better
Whether or not it works for you who knows? But for me, unexplained brain fog is usually one of those and or poor sleep or migraine.
I've been foggy as hell all week. The weather here is bananas and it seems like I only manage to have a brief period in the late afternoon where I don't feel dizzy and disorientated
Salt seems to be the correct answer today, pickles and potato chips and a cheese bratwurst was a pretty good middle meal.
Salt is the answer so often that spouse often just brings me the salt shaker along with a glass of water/ginger ale/whatever when I don’t feel well. I have considered just buying a salt lick but that’s not actually cheaper. It just seems like a good idea.
A friend has had good luck with L-Theanine/caffiene, but of course check with your doctor first.
I will add it to the list of things. Being dirt poor means supplements are a last resort.
I know a lot of people who do well with that combo for daytime. For me, oddly enough, I actually find theanine alone Helps me sleep a lot better at night.