
Bipolar thread: No more hypomania edition! Doin good fam! I decided the world was ending and I suck and there is nothing but pain and crashed. Then I slept great and woke up euthymic. Parkour! How y’all doing? Anything you want to talk about? The political rollercoaster has been a trigger factory
I'm very ow. Neck and upper back issues predominantly atm.
My chronic pain is such that I can't feel all of it all at once because the spine only has so much bandwidth for pain signals. Technical term is saturated pain gate if you're curious.
I don't remember what it's like to not be in pain. The last time I wasn't in any pain without the use of drugs was in my mid-late teens. Last time with, I was about 19. I'm 37.
Like any time after puberty I was in pretty much constant pain, like I thought everyone had some amount of pain every day until I was 30.
Well, now you know someone who can relate. I had to stop gardening when I was 14 because of my developing back problems, and I grew 6" in a year and a half not long after that. Fell in between school scoliosis screenings or something.
I was supposed to get scoliosis surgery and my hips fixed when I was 10, and my parents got divorced and my mom could not raise 4 kids alone with one of them in a chest to knees cast, so I never got the surgery and wasn't told until I was an adult, then I grew DDD breasts and it just got worse.
Oh hell. Reminds me of someone I used to know. She had similar issues, bad enough that it caused micro fractures in her spine.
She eventually got Medicaid to pay for breast reduction surgery, but it took years. They wanted more detailed scans, but she had an implanted vagus nerve stimulator for her epilepsy. Those can't be removed without killing the patient, and obviously they preclude MRIs.
. . . CW suicide . . . She eventually killed herself because her symptoms were worsening in a big way & her doctors just treated her like a drug-seeker, despite her bringing in a bag of her stronger meds to show them that she didn't need more drugs, she needed diagnostics and help.
Yeah I got a reduction about 10 years ago, but the damage has been done and is still going to get worse as I get older. So my spine is a mess on top of other chronic issues.
I hear you, comrade. For what it's worth, you're not alone.