
Trees do not begin by towering, nor do they aim to. They start humble, spreading roots beneath soft soil, reaching with leaves to taste the light between the shadows. They persist unhurried, working together with those around them. If they do grow tall, it's only by surviving.
‘Intellectual titan’, ‘towering intellect’, all those collocations that link learning and cognitive prowess with height and domination. But we really need thinking that can seep below closed doors and between cracks, slow and supple, impossible to resist.
Most importantly, when trees do grow tall, they are not selfish. Height is a responsibility. The tallest share freely, nurturing those below.
They also talk to each other, apparently; in fact the phyla of flora and fungi communicate chemically underground.
That's just one of their methods of communication, too. They also communicate with scents, can make and sense sounds, and can recognise their relatives.
Whereas I struggle to remember the name of the person I was introduced to yesterday. I should be an Ent.