Peter Flynn

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Peter Flynn

Documents, markup, typesetting, printing • Writer • Grandfather • Cook • Pronoun: he/him/us’n • Bribable with chocolate • Discord: frisket
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Both intend to continue NHS privatisation Neither will fix water companies or rail Neither means to stop fossil fuels Neither will fund social services Neither will tax the plutocrats Neither will fix our relations with the EU Neither has decent policies to deal with the pandemic
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Yep. It’s the inequality. The lines going up don’t matter, because people judge their economic situation from within a social context. And that situation is not good for far too many.
There is surely a former British aristocratic empire-builder with half a dozen of these to their name.
yet more upon the heap of kid names: clapowicz gongsure totalbran grayne windeaux salvadog lampp stormpork terwilerger stank coalton shrymp carrporrte tinwhistle schlotzsky wynstyn parula yamahahaha tomhanks pronouncedgif jaypeg
But hardly surprising. If you want to eradicate a population from the face if the earth, burning all trace of their culture is an important step, along with moving into their territory, killing as many as you can, and forcing the rest into exile. Lots of cultures have done this and no-one stops them
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
It’s not Christianity in any real theological sense, and the kind of compassionate Christianity Liz talks about has zero appeal for them. It would strip them of their self righteous determination to punish others for perceived sins and would require sacrifices they don’t want to make
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
The next time someone complains about poor people having computers and phones ask them why they hate poor people so much they don't want them to have the tools to actually get--and keep--the jobs to make the money they purport they want them to have. America hates its poor and it's gross.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
We just had ten of them round last night, five boys plus German exchanges. I said I'd pay for Chinese. They ran up a tab of £135! And the Chinese-origin lad only placed the order in fluent Mandarin and got FIFTY QUID knocked off. Diversity. It's the absolute business.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
If the "Ten Commandments" must be displayed in classrooms, I suggest this typographical treatment.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
absolutely cannot believe that Louisiana is preparing to shove this down the throats of an innocent generation
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
guys i wrote another book!!! it's coming out in october!!! you can preorder it here!!!
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
As both a professional archaeologist of 10 years and a political activist, this is fucking dumb, but if this is the thing you're mad about just know that if the A303 judicial review fails this year we're going to dig a 2 mile long tunnel through the site and get it stripped of World Heritage status.
Stonehenge covered in powder paint by Just Stop Oil protesters - BBC The move comes the day before celebrations for the Summer Solstice.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
As a lifelong lover of Britain's beautiful (pre/)Roman sites all the way from Silchester to Tintagel, I simply cannot bring myself to be even a little bit uneasy at Just Stop Oil redecorating Stonehenge (temporarily: the paint is cornflour & will wash away with the rain) because now they are POSTING
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Good morning. ✌️☕️
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
the internet can provide me with a sandwich. i can buy a sandwich on an app. ai will never produce nor procure me a sandwich
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
No one in publishing really knows what they are doing, or what makes a hit beyond putting enough money into the marketing and even that isn't a promise of success. It is all vibes with some women named Emily in charge.
ok i have another quote tweet prompt. what's something, big or small, related to your job or hobby, that most people don't know that you would like to have them know? it can be a concept, a piece of history, some vocabulary, or something else.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Excluding actual wars, Brexit is one of the greatest own-goals of all time. Britain and Europe had forged something their finest leaders and intellectuals considered an impossible dream: an alliance of shared prosperity. Then Britain tore it up in a fit of nativist dipshittery.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Once told the chef at my regular cafe that I was dubious about ordering the trout because I didn't want my food looking back at me. She assured me she'd take care of it. I thought she meant cut off the head, but no - it was served with a little lettuce blindfold.
Quoteskeet with an image of who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist in the alt text.
Quoteskeet with an image of who you heard at your first concert. Name the artist in the alt text.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
We have the technology to find precisely what existing thing you’re looking for on the Internet but instead here’s technology that finds nothing at all and makes up nonsense instead. That will be $100 billion and all the electricity please.
Enoch Burke in effect told by judge his rep was already so bad he can't be defamed 😂 The guy is a bible-thumping evangelical looney and rabid trans-hater, but there is no law here against being a complete dickhead and waste of space.
Enoch Burke loses defamation claim against Sunday Independent The judge said the words of the story were incapable of injuring his reputation
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Hahahahhahahha! Oh, my stars and garters!
Haha. Mwahaha, even.
Note to self: do not drop a small piece of Blu-Tack (Plasti-Tak) on a pale blue-grey terrazzo tile floor and expect to find it again. Just sayin'
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
If you're curious about what high-end wealth is thinking about these days, it's this chart. The global return on investment has been in a slow linear decline for almost 700 years, and will hit zero sometime in the next 30.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
My apologies to the Italians I wasn’t familiar with your game
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
I worry that the bulk of people asking ChatGPT for recipes are also people who lack the cooking experience to say “hey, wait, that’s a bad/actively dangerous idea.”
I've used ChatGPT for that. Recipes are just rough suggestion guides to me. Odds of me ending up in the office supply closet for ingredients is still low even if it tells me to use glue.
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
anyway it's "rein in" like you would a horse, not "reign in" unless you're Milton's Satan comparing your prospective positions in the hierarchies of heaven and hell
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn
Reposted byAvatar Peter Flynn