
48-year-old fellow writer Leigh Dragoon is obsessed with me on a frightening level. She's incriminating me based on the WIKIPEDIA PAGE FOR MY WHOLE ETHNIC GROUP, dug up my personal Facebook, harassed and ranted about me on multiple platforms (including here), and trying to get others to do so too
Do any of you in the comics scene know her? I need someone to tell her to keep my name out of her mouth or I WILL press charges. I'm being serious.
She has gone after a few of us, who she used to be mutuals with, although not to this degree— she has completely separated from reality and i don’t think she’ll listen Considering when i warned folks of her a couple of days ago she claimed antisemites were lying about her
This is an incredible amount of radicalization to go through.
That's bananas! I don't know this person, but there's got to be someone in this community who does. Everyone wants to pick a fight these days, but nobody wants to pick that fight against the people who are actually in power and causing problems. You don't deserve this crap.
The fact that she's attempting to bring black people in on her utterly inane rantings is actually baffling. Girl we aren't with you at all. Imo Jay, you should go ahead and press charges. People like that don't listen to anyone else until the law starts coming in to play.
Everytime she says some vile shit she writes: “Black and Jewish alliance”. And she has a bunch of racist tweets directed at us too.
She makes my blood boil in general but it really pisses me off when she uses us as a shield to hide behind. She’s a coward at her core. A heinous, hateful, vile coward.
You took the words right from my mouth. An overall awful human being that doesn't care about other human lives.
Took a look at her feed, and she is just really beyond the pale on so many fronts. Quick block.
she was a comics moot of mine until she tweeted out something along the lines of "men are useless at least trans men still suffer bc of periods and pregnancy" absolutely foul thing to say
Zionists love calling others Nazis, much more than the leftists they accuse of the same thing
From what I've heard from others in the TTRPG community on twitter, she's fairly notorious there, and a number of past mutuals spoke up about shit she's pulled? Someone there might know more. Maybe the few who have worked with her on comics might? I get the feeling she's not very community oriented.
None of the vile shit coming out of her mouth is illegal under US law as long as she's not directly harassing you to your account (or face). My understanding is if she actually goes through with this shit in person she could potentially then be subject to a restraining order for harassment, though.
Oh she's harassed me directly too
Then I'd consult with an American lawyer about the standard needed for a restraining order and how much more harassment she needs to engage in for you to get one.
Cyberbullying is against the law in Canada. I'm not sure how it works with people cross-border but there have been a few cases lately with the RCMP taking action when the victim is Canadian and person doing the harassing is in USA. Would hurt to call and ask questions
the fuck did she even mean by this? You: Hey, the two books that I spent years of my life working on not only managed to be published at all but are insanely successful! :) Her: YOU'RE JUST JEALOUS OF SOMEONE WHO ISN'T EVEN ON THIS LIST!!11!!!!1! >:(((((
What on earth 😬😬😬😬😳