Tennyson E. Stead

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Tennyson E. Stead


Screenwriter. Game developer. Author. He/Him

This sounds like a really stupid thing to be concerned about, but it should be illegal to have pre-roll ads on emergency weather reports. No one should have to wait for two minutes of ads to see where a hurricane is going.
Literally, this has been the political cycle for as long as I can remember.
Every four years, American voters have to vote like there's a "Thanos level" threat to US democracy, but when American politicians get into office, they don't approach politics like democracy is on the line. They don't show respect for that democracy that so many voters came out to "save."
UBI, that is.
That’s the key. Change the name from income to dividend. It’s an investment pay out, not a hand out. It’s all in the marketing.
if the media could go ahead and treat this claim the way they treat Biden saying "I'm fine" - aka, as a lie that requires days on end of front page stories to debunk - that would be great we'll be over here waiting
Trump is trying to get ahead of the reality that he and the heritage foundation are working to destroy America and institute a fascist dictatorship. He is lying and expecting the media to gaslight America for him.
Tysm!!! Disabled w/ several chronic conditions 😣 fighting for my life atp, living in an abusive home but on the verge of becoming homeless w/my bf!!! I wouldn’t survive the streets w/my conditions! Need to move out ASAP!!!!!! Discord: freakkybbygirl C: $freakkybby22 thronegifts.com/u/freakkybby...
by the way, stop defending Neil Gaiman. I don’t want to see it. We don’t want to see it. You are surrounded by survivors at all times and you are telling them that your support is conditioned upon how much you liked their abuser.
At this point if Kendrick Lamar was willing to campaign manage Kamala Harris I'd say she'd win by a landslide.
“I’ll wait out the news” “I hope it isn’t true” are part of rape culture and what victims hear in pushback when they come forward all the time. these are not neutral positions, they side with the accused
The state can make us more prone to care for one another and collaborate—or more inclined to compete for seemingly scarce resources, more mistrustful and afraid. @lhh.bsky.social and @astra.bsky.social on on what a "solidarity state" could look like:
For a Solidarity State - Boston Reviewwww.bostonreview.net The state structures society. It can make us more prone to care for one another.
If there is one thing I'd like to teach the edgelords out there talking about violence as a philosophy, it's that people who are legitimately unafraid have nothing to prove. And they know it. If you're out there telling people they're weak, you've never even met someone who isn't scared. It shows.
I just hit the "stop pretending that I'm not everything I want to be" phase of my self-development. Buckle up, mortals!
Like most conversations about ableist language, the actual point is deeper. At least to me. The reason to examine the language isn’t simply the word choice, but rather the unexamined relationship to the societal default. Language is the entrance to which we can have a larger conversation.
It’s Disability Pride Month and people are still using ableist language to describe people and things they don’t like. With zero internal examination about why they equate intellectual disability with being bad. 🤗
This man is making his evil intentions as crystal-clear as they possibly could be, and everyone who cares about humanity should be blasting that message out in every possible venue.
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court presidential immunity ruling: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution, which will remain bloodless if the left allows it to be" www.mediamatters.org/project-2025...
Heritage Foundation president celebrates Supreme Court immunity decision: "We are in the process of the second American Revolution"www.mediamatters.org
Bex has been a part of my community it feels like forever. Let’s all work together to get her a few moments of peace.
i need a flood of $10s/$20s/$30s to come my way right now. my lights are being disconnected tomorrow. my rent is officially 2 months overdue tomorrow - they're sending a 2nd notice tmrw. please help me to stop both. i am drowning. i am reaching out for help. please 🙏🏽 paypal.me/thelongestroad
Bex has been struggling with this since I’ve known them and I’ve tried to give to their mutual aid when I can. If each of my followers gave $1, we could take care of this.
please, this was due YESTERDAY. if you have anything, and i mean $1 or even 50c, please send it now - it'll accumulate 🙏🏽 thank you to everyone who gave so far ❤️
Missed my stream today, but I'll be back later this week! Maybe I'll get a surprise stream or two in beforehand. Play Star Citizen: robertsspaceindustries.com/enlist?refer... Join the Octonium Group: robertsspaceindustries.com/orgs/OCTOGROUP Follow the stream: www.twitch.tv/tekkerten #starcitizen
Can my friends and followers do a thing today? We’re coming up on the second anniversary of Finn, Staci, & the gang. It would be awesome if we could boost MBFIAS together. It’s a free cartoon so there’s no reason not to add it to your regular check ins and rate it/boost it.
My Boyfriend is a Sharkmbfias.com Meet Staci and her bf Finn. Finn is a shark.
The world is on fire, but I created and write this fun little cartoon to bring people joy— & honestly the merch is ridiculous and adorable. I bought my own shirts- worth it.
If people in privilege could learn to judge our allies not by whether they are putting the right people down, or by complaining about the right things, but by whether their actions align with our own convictions? A lot would change for the better.
When setting a daily page count goal, you'll typically get more pages done setting a low count rather than a high one. Missing your page goal can stress you out, cause you to procrastinate, or just plain drain you. Hitting your page count every day on the other hand energizes you. Go slow & steady.
if u see this, quote-post with your tips for writers that no one gives anymore because they seem obvious (even though they're not)
Pleased that I managed to share a copy of Fools' Fire with the Darkened Hill & Dale playtesters last night. 🥳 Next up: Moonlit Shadow—wherein the Beast of Bodmin Moor may be real, but certainly isn't a big cat...
Wishing you all a happy Saint John's Eve! It's a lovely evening to visit a church in a marsh... 🔥💀 thisblightedisle.uk
“ WE WILL FIGHT RACIST SEXIST DE REGULATION” I’ve been telling you some people are racist for a decade and it still takes a national story for you to .. do nothing ? Or you to ghost after approaching me for free work in a DM after I point out you hire and employ two repeated shown racists
In stories, voices are simple. The rightful leader, or the villain. I truly think people are not prepared for what happens when there’s only bad choices. I have compassion for my American friends, even when I’m frustrated with them. We’re not taught to thrive. We’re taught to feed the machine.
i need a flood of $10s/$20s/$30s to come my way right now. my lights are being disconnected tomorrow. my rent is officially 2 months overdue tomorrow - they're sending a 2nd notice tmrw. please help me to stop both. i am drowning. i am reaching out for help. please 🙏🏽 paypal.me/thelongestroad
thank you- i received enough to get the medication & food 🙏🏽 still urgent: • utilities: $379 (received a disconnection notice that said i'd be disconnected on 6/24, but i called & got them to give me till monday) •rent!!! my landlord said they will serve me a notice on monday if i don't pay