
There are fewer covid deaths now than in 2020, when the morgues were so full they put corpses in refrigerated trucks—none of the rest of things you are saying have anything to do with the statement I made
we don't need covid data at all to know it's better, we have excess mortality numbers
Here’s a couple weird arguments I’ve seen people make about the excess death data: 1) excess death data is too slow to know for sure (true-ish? But it’s still lower) 2) the data is off because it includes 2020 excess deaths (it doesn’t) 3) if things were improving we’d have NEGATIVE excess death (?)
I would assume the negative excess deaths argument to be that covid took out people who would have lived a wee bit longer. Not sure I buy it, but see the logic. Meanwhile, I'm just out here trying not to be an excess death.
TFW you thought you were responding to one thing and then look at the upthread and realize there is a Whole Thing going on.
“We are in a better place with COVID now than in 2020” does not mean “the government has done an excellent, unimpeachable job of stopping the spread” Like, you’re saying the former, which is a definite obvious fact
do people realize the CDC is not the only way we keep track of how people die and when?
Apparently not!!!! We are all at the whims of an underfunded organization and have no autonomy!!!!!
like the cdc also doesn't track gun deaths but we know how many people get shot to death
gita why do you hate waffles so much smh
like, I get where a lot of these people are coming from—again, COVID has a massive, defining impact on my everyday life!—but they're aiming at the wrong target. we already have plenty of villains! they have names! we don't need to invent new ones out of each other imo
I reflexively bristle when people talk about COVID in the past tense because I'm used to people treating it like a solved problem, which bothers me a great deal. I don't see where you said either of those things. Mfs are tilting at windmills while the actual giants are out there roaming free.
I get the knee jerk reaction because most of the country and also the government just…. Has moved on and is pretending it never happened. That SUCKS I really don’t like it, it makes just living in the world harder on every level. But also, I’m not doing that :|
Yeah that last sentence is kinda key, it turns out
I too am very upset that the government response to this absolutely sucked shit and for a really long time we had multiple 9/11s of covid deaths every day. Which is why I think it’s good that deaths are down in comparison to 2020.
hey thanks but do you mind if I extrapolate my own headcanon version of this post where I add in a bunch of other stuff I imagined you saying too and then yell at you about it online
Exactly this, like don’t ppl remember how dire those days were? Like it was mass graves times. Sure there is probably errors in the statistics but if the death toll were abnormally high like then , you’d def hear about it. Also wastewater kinda really doesn’t tell us anything about covid deaths.