Sue London 🦄 (WIP 55k of 80k)

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Sue London 🦄 (WIP 55k of 80k)

Romance author. Part-time Shenanigator. I'm probably kidding.

Central Virginia Girl
Blooski since Apr 2023

"O, when she's angry, she is keen and shrewd."
This from Mount Sinai really made an impression on me. Really smthg that even being sufficiently aware of symptoms as to report them on a questionnaire does not necc make a dent in ppl’s self-conception as unaffected by Covid—some so convinced of it that they offer to help research in that capacity!
And arguably what I am enjoying most is that this is not the hero theory of history. We’re not seeing a charismatic leader carry the election through rhetoric and force of personality. We’re seeing populations say: nope. I like the power of nope.
Beowulf says that summer walks are thirsty work.
I dug into the replies they’re associated with the boogaloo movement.
So a thing about AI is that, not understanding the material itself, it cannot understand what the gap is in someone else’s understanding. Students already have access to materials that will repeat important points over and over. They don’t need more.
Higher COVID vaccination rates linked to lower prevalence of pediatric asthma 🍁 The most important health news, in one place.
New York Times has deactivated its Threads account. That’s it. That’s the post.
One of the reasons TA work is sometimes (AND OFTEN NOT) repetitive lower-skilled tasks is bc these are training tasks for early career scholars. If we automate them and eliminate the positions associated with them, we are explicitly gutting the future of these fields.
some canon new Star Wars thing should address midichlorians by acknowledging them as a whole-cloth pseudoscience and gatekeeping device. qui-gon has the right kind of dadvibe to have honestly believed in it
Turned on Abigail (2024) and am hoping Kevin Durand will be the final girl.
NEW: updated edition of our American Autocracy Threat Tracker Shows the full range of Trump’s dictatorship would look like— including proof of his close ties to Project 2025 “He is lying when he denies it and we have the receipts.”
American Autocracy Threat A comprehensive catalog of the autocratic threat to democracy based on former President Donald Trump and his associates’ autocratic plans and promises.
I will bang this drum forever: in THEY THOUGHT THEY WERE FREE: THE GERMANS, 1933-45 Milton Mayer interviewed 10 ordinary Germans after WW2 to learn how fascism took hold. There was never a moment when everyone woke up:
if you’re waiting for everyone around you to wake up, you’ll wait forever. this is how the people grinding our bones to make their bread WANT you to be. paralyzed, alienated & purposeless
Well this is grim
every time you stop making sense David Byrne’s suit grows 2 sizes
Some Millennials in my timeline are insecure because Gen Zs are telling them their ankle socks age them. I can't stress enough that you don't need to care about what a bunch of 20-somethings think about your clothes, mainly bc you don't have to care about what ANYONE thinks about your clothes.
Babe wake up fratboy astrology just dropped
hotfix male. release candidate male. shovelware male
Absolute idiot. The story IS all the terrible shit that will be quickly enacted under the deranged cheeto, period.
AND IT CAN'T BE? The saints preserve us.
well we had a good run
BOOK LAUNCH EVENT!! JULY 23!! 👻📚 I will sign your book, there will be a live reading of the first 30 pages (with voices, OF COURSE~) and you'll get to ask me hardball questions like "why is Dorian the way he is?" and "did you consult any actual ghosts while writing this?"
LOOK WHAT CAME IN THE MAIL AAAAAAA 👻 I’m bringing these to cons, and will list a bunch of them in my shop around the time of the book launch!
It was the worst of times, it was the even worster of times
So. Much. Business.
I prefer it late at night. McD’s lost so much business from me when they pulled the all day breakfast menu
Family member: I don't even think there's a reason to hold an election, the fix is already in. Me: DON'T YOU DARE SAY THAT!!!!!! Holy shit, I almost lost my mind. What the fuck is wrong with everyone?
Library funding is almost always justified through patron numbers. The more people a library serves, the more funding it gets. So even if you don't regularly use a public library, get a library card. It costs you nothing and helps everyone in your community.
today is my NINETEEN YEAR anniversary working at my local library In honor of that, I ask you to get a card to your local public library today! If you ALREADY have a card to your local public library, check out their digital resources! Their summer programs! And yeah, they have books too.
A librarian who tested positive for Covid the Monday before ALA went to ALA anyway and fucking blogged about it, which at least provides some info for potential exposure. She went to opening session, the Printz awards, and the Morris awards. The audacity