
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: When I was a kid on Oahu, we had six-digit phone numbers and you had to dial 9 to reach Honolulu.
Reskeet how old you are, using a vague proxy: When I was a kid I kept a quarter in my Roos pocket so I could make a call on a pay phone in an emergency.
My dad built our TV from a kit, it only received three channels, and he got rid of it when one of those channels kept showing body counts on the evening news, week after week.
It was awful and dad decided that toddlers should not see such things.
I kind of weirdly miss three channels, though, and the shared experience of watching the same shows as everyone else.
We sat together as a family to watch TV. Neighbors and friends were watching the same thing. There were no such things as spoilers. The on demand programming now is nice, but for me it's like going to the grocery store for salt. Do we really need 265 choices for salt? I don't have a TV anymore.
I didn't have one for a long time, but succumbed recently. The picture quality and sound are AMAZING, but I mostly scroll through options, then turn it off and go to bed.