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bicycle medic, collecter of broken but still usable machinery
We can be happy Tracy Chapman is getting so much airplay and also mad that yet again it took a white guy covering her music to make it happen. Did you know Anderson .Paak made an album that's all R&B covers of mainstream pop songs? "Cover Art" 2013.
In advance of Lori Emerson’s upcoming book (Other Networks: A Radical Technology Sourcebook, published by Anthology Editions), Lori and libi have launched an online space just for sharing the research, events, and recipes related to the project. Find us at
hello, friends! we are kicking off a book club! Instead of set meetings, we'll be setting up multiple spaces for asynchronous discussion. Read & share your thoughts where & how works best for you, or just follow along. Every book will get a post here & on our other socials - look for #MALbookclub.
Results are out for the guaranteed basic income pilot in Austin where 135 people got $1,000/mo for a year. 9% of people reported working less and 7% reported working more. Of those who worked less, half upskilled for better future jobs, and half chose unpaid care work.
Another basic income pilot focused on homelessness has released preliminary results after only 6 months because halfway through the experiment, it is already showing incredible effectiveness. $750/mo for 6 months led to homelessness dropping to 12% versus 23% in the control group on a wait list.
$750 a month, no questions asked, improved the lives of homeless A study by USC and a San Francisco-based nonprofit has found that a $750 monthly stipend improves the lives of homeless people.
Made a biblically accurate angel for the top of Sharkmas Tree. BWAHAAHHAHAHAHAA
It turns out that the major pharmacies in the U.S. routinely provide patient medical records to law enforcement without a warrant. The potential ramifications of this for anyone on birth control, ordering abortion pills, or medication for mental illness and other personal conditions are staggering.
"and is there a Queen Kong?"
You know it's going to be a good Christmas party when...
you're not a bad person for getting an abortion. you're not a bad person if you don't get an abortion, but wish you had of. you're not a bad person if you regret parenthood
I'm gonna put an extension on my flagpole so I can fly a flag at 1.5 masts tomorrow. Maybe we can make this a holiday, where everyone drinks a WHOLE LOT OF BEER and then goes to his gravesite.
Dept of dogs unclear on the whole pillow concept
"humans doing the hard jobs on minimum wage while the robots write poetry and paint is not the future I wanted"
A low minimum wage gives several landlord types a sense of entitlement over people's work and efforts. To them, they *deserve* to have workers. In fact, they're doing society a favor by employing someone at all! A strong labor market and a reasonable minimum wage corrects this entitlement culture.
When a minimum wage increases: "Racial inequality decreases because firms disproportionately reduce callbacks to lower-quality white applicants who benefited from discrimination under lower minimum wages."
If you live near Boulder, come on by for a zine making workshop!
We have a workshop with our November resident, next Monday, Nov. 27 -drop in from 4-6 PM!
HUGE DEAL: New results from a WSJ-NORC poll show Americans’ support for abortion access is at one of the highest levels on record since nonpartisan researchers began tracking it in the 1970s. *** Support for Abortion Access Is Near Record, WSJ-NORC Poll Finds
Support for Abortion Access Is Near Record, WSJ-NORC Poll Some 55% of respondents say a pregnant woman should be able to get an abortion for any reason
JUST IN: Massachusetts has made phone calls from jails and prison free. Bolts has learned that Governor Maura Healey informed state advocates today that she has signed this landmark legislation. We reported in August on why it matters:
Massachusetts Is Poised to Make Communications Free for Incarcerated The reform would eliminate the exorbitant charges people face to keep in touch with loved ones in jail and prison, removing a heavy financial burden for thousands.
Tig brazing steel tubing. TIL if you wire brush the bronze while it's still nearly red-hot, it turns blue from oxidation. This is nearly my favorite color.
I wonder what was wrong with chicken trizzini?
I'd read the heck out of reporting that explained how this specific problem came about, from the complexity of WIC admin to the decision process of Dangold that made them change the packaging.
I'm welding bike frames for practice. This is the DT/HT joint and it looks like a fillet brazed and filed joint but it's all steel. This is roughly 10,000 times as rewarding as my job and I sure wish I could make money doing it.
I'm not sure we needed a third turntable but it was free on a street corner and it has rca outputs for standard components so I don't have build another RIAA phono preamp.
My dad brought this home before I could type. It booted up in milliseconds to a RMBasic interpreter. I learned to write simple programs before I learned division in school. We wrote games on it that used an XY plotter as a graphics display.
get her what she really wants this holiday season: weed and abortion
New project, I suck at it, gonna keep trying.
at least this routine check-in about whether we still get to have bodily autonomy is accompanied by thrilling graphics and stars that go whoooosh