
NEWS The White House has issued a statement on the situation at Columbia University:
...are they looking at the same situation the rest of us are looking at?
Nope. That’s why they keep shipping weapons to Israel.
This is a garbage statement.
holy fucking shit it's just dystopic at this point
It’s like we’re not living in the same reality
Why? Do you think you have the right to terrorize US Jewish students because you’re opposed to what Israel is doing? Really?
well if the students who were protesting genocide were actually marching around with swastikas and tiki torches, then No they would Not have the fucking right. but if you think the existence of an anti-war anti-genocide sit-in is antisemitic you are brainwashed beyond repair. get real
and if you think calling to fight against a rogue ethno-state which has displaced MILLIONS and murdered untold #s is antisemitic, you are also still brainwashed into exactly what the (christian) zionists who support the state of israel want you to believe. israel does Not represent the jewish people
Israel isn’t rogue. It’s a state legally recognized by the UN and most countries. Jordan ethnically cleansed all its Jews in 1921 and again from the West Bank and Jerusalem in 1948. Is it rogue?
Antisemitism is not just tiki torches. Antisemitism is blood libel and Holocaust inversion, which you are doing alongside everybody else accusing Israel of genocide
Pointing out that Israel is carrying out a genocide against Palestinians is not a holocaust inversion or blood libel. It's just recognizing reality.
It's a lie. A very convenient and comforting lie for those who repeat it
you are absolutely wrong. an entire religion suffered an immense, cataclysmic, horrendous trauma. but it is not that same entire religion that is committing an ethnic cleansing. christian racism/racism has co-opted the name of judaism for political ends. read about evangelicals, why they support it
Sorry, you're right. They’re just doing ethnic cleansing, indiscriminate bombing, and illegally settling in Palestine. You're right, that's so much better...
Attacking American Jews and telling them to go back to Poland and that they should be the next target of Hamas is OK how?
israel itself treats its holocaust survivors like GARBAGE. israel USED THEM and kicked them to the curb, homeless and in poverty. they scrounge on the floor for food. you are pathetic to use them as a a shield just like israel does.
Israel was founded by Holocaust survivors, knucklehead
Then why yell at Jews in America and tell them to go back to Poland if this wasn’t an antisemitic attack?
Overpriveleged little fascist says what? Stop killing terrorists? Fvk off
You're ridiculous. Stop spreading disinformation
Having been victims does not immunize you from being able to become an offender. When the accusations is based on verified evidence then it's justified, for example based on the admissions of IDF that they allow dozens of civilians deaths per each low level *suspected* Hamas member
If you want actual cases of antisemitism to be taken seriously, it's best not to use it as a cudgel against opinions on Israeli actions you merely disagree with. It cheapens the charge.
This is a deeply ironic complaint considering the truly expansive and careless use of the word "genocide" you're defending here.
Swastikas and tiki torches are protected by the first amendment. They were doing that they would still have the right to protest. That's not what they're doing. They're protesting the genocide that Israel is carrying out. Criticizing Israel is not inherently anti-semitic
They were infact saying Jews in the USA should be the next target of Hamas and yelling at random Jews to go back to Poland.
If the protesters call for antisemitic things, then it is.
If you feel threatened by peace protests it's because you are the oppressor.
No. If peace protests are calling for your destruction, you can justifiably be threatened independent of your status as or not as an oppressor.
Point to where peace protestors were calling for "your destruction"...
The spokesman for the Columbia University encampment was kicked off campus Friday by the administration because he did exactly that.
Please explain the terrorizing that is happening. Give specific examples
You could read things, you know. Or use Google.
Ok so you have no specific examples
I see you don’t know how to Google.
The people who did that weren't part of the students protesting, all evidence points to them being outsiders. But the students who protested peacefully is being punished for what random outsiders did. A lot of people here doesn't see the irony of applying collective punishment
He said "Zionists don't deserve to live," which is not something I think he should have said, BUT it should not be equated with "terrorizing U.S. Jewish students." Naomi Klein recently denounced the false idol of Zionism, and she is certainly not trying to terrorize Jews. She is one.
Dude. He said much more than that, including his desire to kill Jews. Which is why he was kicked off campus Friday by the administration.
I don't like or agree w. his comments, except 4 his equating of Zionist goals with that of White Supremacists,but I haven't seen any that targeted Jews rather than Zionists. Since every Jew I know despises Zionism,I don't equate the two as the Republicans,the main stream media and apparently you do.
Aww boo hoo, you're not allowed to spread antisemitic hate on campus.
There’s something so surreal about them continuing to pretend something else is happening for months now in the face of easily accessible truth.
probably losing the election with genocide, austerity and eugenics isn’t enough, i need to do kent state 2 electric boogaloo so i definitely lose the election
It's incredible that the Israel/Palestine issue has such a Trumpian effect on the mainstream liberal establishment, in that it serves as the focus for abandonment of basic principles (or exposing they were never quite real in the first place).
35,000 civilian deaths does nothing for him, eh?
I'm sorry. Are you saying that none of the deaths in Gaza are Hamas?