
Ageism is hiring a 25 year old instead of a better qualified 55 year old. It's not "ageism" to say that an 81 year old or a 78 year old might not be able to handle the world's most demanding job.
I guess I sound like a reactionary when I say this but there is a biological reality that people eventually get slower and lose energy as they get older and even more eventually they will die. This is reality! Old people will die sooner than younger people will!
People age differently and "peak" at different times. Deng Xiaoping was leading a country with a billion people quite capably at 86 years old even though he was almost totally deaf and rapidly losing his eyesight by the time he retired.
That same person maintained that 65 is peak professional & intellectual prime and that it's downhill from there.
This is true - and that opinion was just one person I know - but it is a perspective.