
all of this sound and fury can just as easily represent the dying gasps of the republican party as a national institution, if we make it so
A phenomenon more people should know about, just in general, but also I think applies here.
Extinction (psychology) -
I read the section in the link, but I’m not grasping the connection. Can you expand on how it applies here? I’m missing it.
The Republican Party is the white nationalist party, an ideology that is slowly suffocating for various reasons like the steady diversification of America and just general civil progress. (Extinction) As a result, they respond by doubling down on what people hate about them. (Burst)
Since this actually resulted in them winning in 2016 due to electoral college bullshit, it resets the progress a little, but they’re still being pressured towards extinction. But the main connection is “when they’re actually beginning to lose power, they will lash out”, which the SC is doing.
Ok, got it. I thought that’s what you might be getting at, but there were some complex phrases in that wiki article that were a bit heavy for me since I have limited education in that area and I was worried I was misunderstanding. Thanks again!